OT: I am in the Hosptial


Active Member
Well this is no fun, I am expecting twins in about 5 weeks and developed some complications today and I will be in the hospital for a couple of days at least. Luckily I have a laptop and can get on the internet. The scariest thing is my husband is in charge of the fish tank. Who knows what I will come home to! I am bored stupid so you guys will have to keep me entertained.


Well you could always have the hubby hook up a virtural camera on the tank. I'm sure the Ryebread man could give him some step by step. :D
Good luck, don't let the hosp. staff sass ya. Check in an let us know what your craving or anything. Sure you'll get lots of jello and caffine free coffee. ;)


Hope everything goes well for you. My wife is due to have our 3rd child any day now. It looks to be a baby girl.
Godspeed with those twins your going to be blessed and busy!


Active Member
Here's a few jokes to pass the time.
Q. Can a woman get pregnant from a toilet seat?
A. Yes, but the baby would be awfully funny looking.
Q. Should I have a baby after 35?
A. No, 35 children is enough.
Q. What's the difference between a nine-months pregnant woman and a Playboy centerfold?
A. Nothing, if the pregnant woman's husband knows what's good for him.
Q. Can a mother get pregnant while nursing?
A. Yes, but it's much easier if she removes the baby from her

and puts him to sleep first.


Active Member
Sammy LOL! I especially like the playboy centerfold one! Thanks everyone for your kind words and support. If all my test come back okay today I will get to go home tomorrow, but on strict bedrest, but at least that way I can tell my husband exactly what need to be done to the tank (He just loves being at my beck and call :) )
We are having a boy and a girl, if it were my guess I would say the boy is the trouble maker lol :D
Birdy, good luck with those babies and make sure you do what the doctor says and stay in bed, and take it easy. And I'm sure your husband loves to be at your beck and call and take care of you and those babies. Hopefully he'll do OK with the tank too....


good luck with the twins, tell your hubby you have a new craving.... ice cream with a side of corals for the tank !! he wouldn't dare refuse you in this stage of the game.


Active Member
Maybe I can come up with something like, I need more corals and fish for the calming effect they have. Well I am home from the Hospital but on strict bedrest so I will be chatting here quite often to keep from going mad. Thanks for the kind thoughts everyone!


Morning Birdy.
I hope everything is going well for you.
Me and my wife have a brand new baby girl as of 11:20pm on 2/11/03. I'll put up a post with details.


Active Member
I wish you the best of luck with the twins and your tank. I know it's diffecult in times like this, just make sure all three of them get the nursing and caring they need. Best Wishes


Hello Birdy,
Don't want to leave you out on Valantines' Day....so
Hope your feeling well, tell the man you want a candle light dinner in bed, and pop a good movie in the VCR/DVD. Have a good evening.


Active Member
We're all pulling for you, the twins, hubby, and of course the fish!!
I'm sure all will be well.
Best of Luck!


Good luck with both!! Hope everything goes well with you and the newcomers and hope you husband does okay witht the tank. :D