OT: I will be gone for a while


Active Member
I just wanted to let you all know I will be having my twins tomorrow by c-section, so I will be gone for a while.
Thanks to everyone for keeping me occupied while I was on bedrest for 6wks.
Hopefully my tank won't suffer to much while I am gone and while the twins are taking up all my time :rolleyes:


Active Member
well, i am not going to say good luck, for I am actually hoping that luck is not needed, but more congradulations, and hope to see you back real soon.


Congratulations Birdy and good luck. I'm sure the babies will be the most happy and laid back babies on the block- they have a saltwater world at home to soothe and comfort them.
:) Conratulations on your new additions. Hope everything is as painless as possible and that recovery is a breeze. Take care of yourself and get back to us when you can. ;) :D :)


Hey Birdy, any news yet :confused: Praying that everything went well for you yesterday. :)