OT: Is film dead?


Active Member

Originally posted by Daniel411
...um, fastest bike? What do you ride?

nothing anymore . . . used to ride a hayabusa. I should have said one of the fastest . . . I am sure that there are faster bikes out there now though.


New Member
CWALTER, the Canon 1D is 4.5 megapixel but the 1DS is 11.3 MegaPixel. Of course the 1DS is $8,000.00:eek:
Tom D.

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by 007
nothing anymore . . . used to ride a hayabusa. I should have said one of the fastest . . . I am sure that there are faster bikes out there now though.

Still not many bikes that can touch a busa. You can break those into the 8's for under 2K. Kick ass bike.


Active Member
Mine certainly was a ridiculously fast bike . . . "was" being the operative word here.

Got caught in the rain and dropped it after being cut off. No major injuries but banged up pretty bad. Have not been back on a bike since.

tony detroit

Active Member
Yeah, I lost my front tire on I-75 in the rain, didn't fall but I sure was close.Scary feeling. I've had quite a few close calls.


Active Member
I think digital is taking over for main stream picture taking (vacations, kids, etc.). But I think film will always be the enthusiasts choice. If you're just taking pictures, digital is king. If you are taking photographs, film rules - especially B&W.



Originally posted by 007
yeah, there is no doubt that the 300D is a good camera. i would love to get one, but unfortunately a little out of santa's budget.
I see you are a skydiver . . . I just recently went on my first jump. Undescribable feeling. Nothing on the ground even comes close.

007 - Sorry for not replying sooner - been out of town... I'm not saying now is the time to get a SLR - I meant that very soon the price should drop enough that many could aford one.
As for jumping - I made my first jump in 1981 using a military T-10 in Paltka FL. I have never looked back. I'm glad you took the plunge! :happy:



Originally posted by 007
Mine certainly was a ridiculously fast bike . . . "was" being the operative word here.

Got caught in the rain and dropped it after being cut off. No major injuries but banged up pretty bad. Have not been back on a bike since.

LOL - I love my FZR-750. Not the fastest but - enough! I have many scars from the YZ-250 (and other) the the FZR! I guess we all have a ceartain amount of a death wish!


Active Member
I agree that if digital SLRs become more affordable, that's it for film.
I like my 35mm SLR, though. Much better quality than my digital, and better for shooting action pictures and outdoors. I'm not a photogapher, though. And I can't figure how to get good action pics on my little Nikon 2100 digital. (I have read the manual!) It takes awesome still shots, though.