OT: Just curious what kind of people are into reef tanks


everyone has a pug. Could reef tanks and pugs be one in the same?? just kidding. This is great. This is my first topic starter over 15 replys. Woohoo. thanks everyone for your input.


I'm in my upper 30's. That's hard enough to say, so I won't say my age exactly. I live in Michigan. I am a cardiovascular surgeon. I am married with 2 girls- 7 and 11. I enjoy golfing (leaving right now to play 18), hunting, fishing, hockey, wood working, and boating. We have 2 golden retrievers- one very smart, and one very not so smart.


Hi everyone,
My name is Jodi and I am 33 years old and a stay at home mom and wife. My husband Brian is 34 and is a pharmacist. We both love our new tank and are totally hooked. Looking to upgrade to a 75G tank next year (from 29G). We have 3 beautiful children, Emily 4 1/2, Alex 2 1/2, and Adam (my angel) 1 year old. We also have a mini-dachshund named Sassafras. I love taking care of our tank probably because it is something that my kids cannot mess up! No toys! It gives me some peace of mind if I just stare.......We have been converting our tank into a reef tank and it is so much more beautiful than before. Lots of live rock and sand and corals.....My husband and I are going to Bimini Island (in the Bahamas) in mid July for some snorkeling (me and him) and scuba diving (him). Can't wait to see what I am going to see. Bye. :D <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


Well my name is Javier (Ha-v-air) I am 26yrs old (27 in May). I have been married for 4 years and I have a 23m old son. Besides my tank, my next biggest hobby is my son he is so much fun and he loves my tank as well. I also enjoy the outdoors fishing, hiking..etc. I have two other pets, cats, Ebony and Rain. I work in Flight Operations for a major airline. I have added some pictures of Juneau so click on my link and take a look. They will be in the album titled Pics of Juneau. :)


Active Member
My name is Debi and I'm 38. I'm an executive recruiter (headhunter)and writer. My hubby wanted a sw tank for a long time so our daughter bought him one for his birthday last year and that's how I got MY tank....hehe (don't tell him, he thinks it's his). This board has been very helpful to me especially after my airdale and schnauzer ate my 3 fish books... I do not have a pug and I don't read sci-fi, but I hope you guys will still let me hang around. :)


Hey all,
Real name is Jason. Live outside of DC in suburban Maryland. I work for a very very large Engineering and Construction firm as a network engineer/IT Guy. I'm 22, 23 thursday!! I travel quite a bit so i still live at home, been out of college a year, i miss it a lot. Single but have been with my gf for almost 4 years. Saving to move out and get an apartment where i want to put a 150 gal tank. Also like to play baseball, softball and golf (although i suck at it). Glad to hear about everyone else's background.


New Member
As you can guess from my user name, my name is Don. I will turn 29 in June. Married for 3 1/2 years. I operate/maintain automated machines or you can call me a factory worker. I have had a saltwater tank for close to 10 years and decided to try a reef about 1 1/2 years ago. I have had several hobbies in the past but this seems to be the most challanging and rewarding of them all. Have a bassett, mutt and 2 cats which I would happily trade in for a nice coral if my wife would let me. :)

tru conch

Active Member
alright, here it goes... my name is jonathan. i just turned 23. i am a full time college student, my major is english. spent 4 years in the Marine Corps infantry, got to see the world plus some money for college. i am presently a sgt in the florida national guard. upon graduating i am looking to be a fireman. my interests, aside from sw tanks, reading (anything except for jane austin), any water sports(fishing, scuba diving, free diving, wind surfing, surfing, swimming), writing, um what else... tattoos (my other money pit) and spending time with my girlfriend, along with a good movie from time to time. i think thats about it. oh yeah, i dont have a pug :)

tru conch

Active Member
i forgot to mention the fact that im straight edge, meaning i dont drink, smoke, do drugs, eat meat or engage in promiscous ---. i am into local/unknown bands, but not as strong as when i was living in dc. orlando's music scene is kinda weak imo.


My name is chris. I'm 29 and I live in Dallas where i work at a commercial printing company. I like riding my motorcycle, listening to Marilyn Manson, and pretty much anything that is a little dangerous. I got into reef tanks after a trip to the florida keys a year to two ago. It is the only thing that I can sit still for more than two minutes and just stare at constantly. It is the most relaxing thing ever (if you can forget about how much work it takes to create it as your staring into it)


Hey :)
My name is Galina. I think that one's pretty clear....
I work at Publix, (grocery store), for extra cash.. and am unfortunetly still in highschool. ( <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" /> )
I'm pretty regular at this board... not as much as before since suddenly I got eally busy with schoolwork, friends, family, and.. stuff.
Been doing fish tanks for years... But I've only been doing saltwater for the last almost half year.
Nice to see you on the board Bosco! :D


Active Member
Sup All??? Im Bob, Father of 2, a 3 yr old daughter, and a 3 month old son. This July will be my fourth anniversery of my 25th b-day :) . I have worked in the grocery biz for 12 years, and just recently stepped outta management to spend more time with the kids :D ! I m into anything and everything, Magic: The Gathering, Rollerblading, Mnt biking, Volleyball (indoor and outdoor), pool (billiards), ping - pong, PS2, Drinking Beer with buddies, and I own a Ski Natique so I Water Ski ALOT (3 to 5 times a week)!!! I LOVE to go to concerts, I went to over 70 shows in the last 15 months. I listen to heavy metal, grunge, alternative music. Tool and KoRn are the $h!t!!! Great Topic!!!


My name is Bill. I am 34 and a visual effects supervisor in Hollywood. I have worked in the FX industry for about 8 years working on mostly feature films with a few commercials thrown in for good measure. I've had a 100 gal reef tank for about 4 months now and am completely hooked. I enjoy the challenge, am fascinated with all of the creatures and love the idea of building a self-contained ecosystem. More fun recently has been to make the system as automatic as possible. In the movie business I am often out of town for long stretches of time which will leave the tank under my wife's care. She (and my two sons) love the tank, but are not nearly as into it as I am. As a result, I want it to be as simple for her to take care of as possible. Recent additions to the tank include a calcium reactor and an RO/DI system that is plumbed into the house mains with a float valve regulator to maintain water levels. Funny thing is that it is often as much fun tinkering with the setup as it is to watch the inhabitants.


Well you know my name obviously-but I just turned 30 <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> My husband and I have four kids ranging from 6mo. to 8yrs. We also have 3 dogs (no pugs) G. shepard, St. Bernard, and very big labx. Then there's 2 cats, 3 bunnies, 1 hamster, and my horse. (and of course my 2 tanks)I truly enjoy all of them. I also do some part-time day-care and some part-time horse training. Other than that I enjoy any peace and quiet I can get. Once a month I kick everyone out-send them to in-laws for the day-and clean my tanks in peace and then if I have time I surf the web.


Hi my name is BOB i assemble robotic machinery for company that builds fabs for processing electronic chips,never marride just out of ten year relationship 2 children,i have custody of been doing tanks 10 years,salt6 still have original fish one tomato clown "mine" one saddleback clown "hers" "THAT BITES ME" little bitch. just don't have heart to get rid of either one though i would like smaller fish for reef. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


Ohh yeah me too...Im teo i live in orlando i work for att wireless...im in managment. Im 25 married one lil girl..i spend my whole paycheck on fish. I ride a sport bike and i also breed cockatoos.


Hi my name is BOB i assemble robotic machinery for company that builds fabs for processing electronic chips,never marride just out of ten year relationship 2 children,i have custody of been doing tanks 10 years,salt6 still have original fish one tomato clown "mine" one saddleback clown "hers" "THAT BITES ME" little bitch. just don't have heart to get rid of either one though i would like smaller fish for reef. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> OH YEAH I ALSO ENJOY SKING,FISHING,AND JUST ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE P.S TRUE CONCH, EVERYTHING BUT ---,BUT I GUESS YOU DONT HAVE TWO CHILDREN BUT I JUST CAN'T HELP MYSELF <img src="graemlins//mischievous.gif" border="0" alt="[Mischievous]" />


wow everyone is all over me about the pug. Im going to have to get rid of her. LOL :D keep them coming this is really neat.
hi. my name is david. 38 yo father of 5.5 kids ( 1 girl almost 16, 4 boys, 13, 10.5, 7.5, 21 mos and 1 unknown in the oven due around the 1st wk of nov.'02) <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> <img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" /> hey tru conch! you'll like the fire thing. been doing it for 20 years myself, 15.5 with regular paycheck and bennies. :D extra hobbies are overtime, snoring while sleeping, waddayameanwho'sgoingwhere?! <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> <img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" /> raising children and trying to keep a handle on the 10.5 and the 7.5 who can do that symbiotic relationship thing and no longer 1+1=2 it's actually about 5-7. <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> teaching h.s. bible study on campus. married for 2.5 years ( the first 4 kids were 'instant rice/package deal') and learning curve "ya gotta go vertical".


Hello! My name is Brian. I live in Oklahoma City where I work as a sales/merchandising supervisor for Coca-Cola. I am married with 1 daughter (a German Shephard named Kova). Other than reefing, I like anything outdoors, biking, working out, hanging with friends and family, and watching my beloved Dallas Cowboys get their asses handed to them every Sunday! Nice to meet you guys.