OT: just sharin a pic of my koi pond


Active Member
just wanted to share a pic of my Koi pond its doing pretty good so far
made a few newbie mistakes but i think its coming along
at first i lost 2 Koi's due to heroin eating them... he left foot prints behind in my sand fire pit just above the pond in the pic so i knew what it was.... now i put some bird netting across the pond and achored it down with metal tent staples so far everything has been perfect havent lost a fish since those 2 about 6 weeks ago
then i had one new koi die from a fungus infection i triued to QT him but it was too late
all the rest seem to be fine and look good eating great....
its getting warmer here now so the plants are growing quickly today i had to throw some out since it was growing fast
right now i have 4 Koi and 1 butterfly Koi and about 20 goldfish
ponds about 2000 gallons and has a waterfall for the return
man along with my new tank and my current tank and the pond i spend a fortune in this crap lol
but its amazing how relaxing a Koi pond can be actually


Active Member
cool pond. my friend is giving me a swimming pool (4 or 5ft diameter) cause he owes me money and is gonna give me that instead.


Active Member
thanks u guna make a pond outta it?
mines basically 12' x 10' and an goes from 3' deep to 1' in the shallow end .... i shoulda made it all 3' deep but that was one of my newbie mistakes


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i have 9 goldfish in like a 40 pond right now and will upgrade to that pool. one of my goldfish died from drowsy. a disease where a fish gets filled with liquid that is very hard to cure. i thought it was having babies :hilarious


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my question is kinda off topic but i noticed you have a dwarf lion in your reef. are there any inverts like crabs hermits stuff like that he has eaten?


Active Member
i havent seen him eat anything...
only thing i think he has eaten was a smaller pepermint shrimp i put in to kill some small aptrasias but the lion was eyeing him as food then never seen it since
but ive got lots of hermits snails and a larger skunk cleaner shrimp he doesnt pay attention to any of them ....
i think u need to add all inverts first cuz if u add them after the lions in the tank he will think its feeding time and swallow it whole since they have big mouths


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the koi are about 8-10 inches the butterfly is more like 6....
the goldfish are getting alot bigger too they were lil guys at first