OT - LOTR - what do you think??



Peter Jackson sure has come along way. From "Meet the Feebles" to this.... a bit of a change!


Active Member

Originally posted by tru conch
i was going to school majoring in english (creative writing) before i was called up to go hang out in the middle east for a year. so i can relate to overanlayzer on reading a ton of books.

braver man than I - creative writing pays worse than teaching almost 90% of the time ..... unless you sell your soul to a marketing agency!!

You gotta love opinions!!!


Active Member
Now I have seen the movie and it rocked. I had to keep on thinking of it as seperate from the books and view it as an interpratation of the story and man much



Originally posted by Harlequin
Star Wars remains one of the best trilogies of all time, (I dont count those last two).

I had to walk out of the room when R2D2 started to fly around in Attack of the Clones. :rolleyes:
I wasn't nuts about any of the movies but the original. I know that one by heart... sad isn't it?! :D


funny thread...
it's interesting that if you take the opinions of the literary establishment then Tolkien does not rate near the likes of Joyce, Hemingway, and others. However, if you take the populace as a whole, Tolkien is by far and away the favorite author of choice. The disconnect between the two camps is striking. Suffice to say that I don't care if he's the greatest author of all time or not. He's my favorite author, hands down. Put me in the camp of the masses.
Let the battle rage!
PS. My 4th grade teacher, Mr. Riley in Mahopac NY, gave me a copy of The Hobbit and it changed my life. I'll never forget him for that.