OT: Need some IT help


My parents own a small-medium sized air conditioning busniess that I work at. Right now I do load calculation and I also am the Tech guy. We just bought 5 new Dell workstations and a new Dell server. We have a DSL internet connection that is being abused (Kazaa, surfing while supposed to be working.) I was wondering if there is a program out there that I could install on my server (it acts as a gateway for the other machines) that would restrict access to the web? I am also on a budget so nothing thats to much.


it's called a firewall.. do a search for zone alarm.. there's a free version and it's one of the best.


Active Member
Definitely go with a firewall. It's a nice piece of software that lets you control what is let into your network and what is let out. Great for keeping people on the inside working, and for keeping people on the outside, well, outside.
The one I use at work is a freebie, but works very well for me (keeping people out). Unfortunatly, I can't for the life of me think of what it is... my mind is totally blank. I'll think of it and post back.


Active Member
Atually there are some programs that do this. The best one i have seen is"IPROTECTYOU".
You can password protect your pc with a access password.
You can control about everything and easy to use.
You can get it over the net on a free trial. Not sure what the full version cost? HTH


you could try changing their permissions on their windows logon account. make it so they can't install any programs, only the admin could. quick and dirty.


That has already been done, right now I am still cleaning up for about a year and a half ago when our office manager, billing clerk (hired by the office manager) and their husbands stole about $60,000 from the company.
if you have a router, you could do some MAC addy filtering. Kazaa runs on port 1214. Block that port for there mac address, and they can install kazaa, but will never connect. or just block that port all together.


I am not sure that Zone alarm will do what you want. There is a program called Surfcontrol, it not only allows you to block a web site but cirtin types (adult ect) And you can run a report and show how much time he has spent on the internet. Works good, but may be pricy. I think you can download a trial at there website. I think it works to 30 days.


Active Member
I doubt zone alarm will do what you want at all. if i were you i would destroy the dell computers...run a unix system on it and set up ip tables to your liking... All kidding aside though, i beleive you want a website blocking service. you can find several of these online to run on your server...that restrict acces to the workstations. I Know of a good one called BesS by n2h2. It might be worth looking into...but definately get a good firewall as well due to the amount of traffic and information you will be keeping on that computer. I would go with zonealarm pro. Its like 50 bucks but hella worth it...or you can get it on cough kazzaa cough for free.

Originally posted by aarone
if i were you i would destroy the dell computers...run a unix system on it and set up ip tables to your liking...


cap'n pete

Install Internet Explorer 6, you can block access to any web address you like, or block the internet all together.
Control Panel>Internet Options>Content>Content Advisor
requires a password for access, except for addresses you choose to allow....
best part.... it's free!
uninstall any other browsers.
More Info


Active Member
There is an easy way around that.
all the employees would have to do is download a key logger from the blocked sites and get the password. I used to do this at school to access the internet games.
a better way IMO/E Is to just purchase a program like the one i spoke of. These programs are ran on the server and block websites by viewing their metatags first. this can be easily configured to allow games and even allow

material in. There is not much way around the blocking...unless you can edit a meta tag of the website you are wanting to visit.

as for the kazaa and other internet programs issue, just run them on the computer and run the command netstat -n To find out what port they are using. then block these ports with your firewall program that you are running.

cap'n pete

Sure, there a professional firewalls that would be better, but the lad needs cheap.
I'm assuming these computers are assigned to sole individuals?
I would figure out a way to track activity that they can't delete, and then fire their #$%es if they go onto the internet! Or dock their pay.... either way they are screwing off on your time... GET 'EM! :nervous:


Active Member
just put on key loggers on each computer. there is no way that they can access the windows system directory (where most log the strokes) abd delete the files if they do not have admin access.
Then if you see any ---- or gambling or anything immoral just fire em.
really cheap method. check out google for key loggers.