OT : New Virus going around


just in case I was the last one to hear about this new virus, its going around. Norton and mcafee are appearantly not able to detect it. It uses a persons message book and emails it to everyone wether you realize it or not.
go to file search.
type in " jdbgmgr.exe"
if you find it, DO NOT open it. Just delete it then delete it from your recycle bin.
hope that helps anyone.


Do not do it.
That file is a file that supports long filename extentions, and every system will have it. Won't really hurt your computer, but you will be limited to 15 characters or so if you do this.
It's a hoax.
If you already did, I'll email you the file again if you want it.


hehehehaha, definately never open an exe. file from anyone you don't trust, and even then think about it. I personally have software on my PC to secretly attach any program I want, including viruses, to any exe., and it will run in the background without you knowing. Who's going to open a program called "sub-seven server"? Nobody with any brains, so asses attach them to innocent looking exe files and send them to unexpecting people as little games or whatever, and then the folks don't even know it's running. I get someone sending me the stupid klez thing twice a day anymore.........:mad: To the best of my knowledge, a program running virus must be attached to another program or it won't open.......it will have the wrong file extension, so never open a program sent to you. I reformat my hard drive pretty often anyway, so sometimes I just open viruses to see what they do..........I have an online email, so if it worries me, I open it at my moms on her web TV.:) :D


Active Member
better yet keep you virus dats updated to that fixes the prob of catching a virus about 99.9% heheh


Active Member
Ok anyone know what this ostry --- thing is? I have this foreign --- page that pops up and it's on my tool bar or status bar or whatever you call that bottom right hand side. I can not get rid of it. Norton or Macafee doesn't recopgnize it either. If I reboot my computer it always comes up and I've got little kids here. Drives me crazy. No jokes please this is really on my computer


Hey wrassecal......saw your pic in the photo album......VERY nice....:D How old are your kids? Is it possible they were trying to look at something they shouldn't, and accidently downloaded a sleezy program?


Active Member
All under 8 years old. I did have a teen age nephew over a few weeks ago. I can not figure out how to get rid of the thing though! Not all my kids.....and thanks for the compliment, makes a grandma like me feel good :D


Active Member
you have anthing installed like kazaa, morpheous, imesh ?
those are all very nice spam softwares lol


Wrassecals problem DEFINATELY sounds like a person was looking at some ---- and downloaded a program thinking they were only going to look at something......my girlfriends brother does it to me when he comes over and doesn't realize what he's doing. The file sharing stuff won't put an icon on your computer like that. Click it, and see if it tries to switch your connection to a pay line. That seems like a PROGRAM that someone accidently downloaded. I've seen my share of ----, and I know how they do it.:D :D


the teddy bear email is definitely a hoax. i get at least a couple of calls about that each week at work.
as for the unwanted adware and such from imesh, kazaa, or the internet.
try running SpyBot Search and Destroy. Freeware from download.com. it works wonders on fixing annoying things in your windows registry and can eliminate spyware as well.


If you are having a problem with any type of stupid ad programs on your computer, the best program that I can suggest to you is Ad Aware 6.0 . It deletes almost all of those stupid programs that you never remember installing, plus it gets rid of other programs that are spying on your internet usage without your knowing. Go to www.lavasoft.nu and download the standard version of adaware6.0. You will be amazed at just how much crap it finds on your computer.


If that doesn't get rid of your problem, there are other ways you can get rid of programs that startup with windows, but they are quite a bit more complicated. tell me if that works and if not, I'll try to help you out as best I can.