OT : New Virus going around



If you run adaware, which I have also, you can't delete certain things or programs won't work anymore.


Active Member
which certain things can you not delete? Are they things you might normally delete. Don't want to download adaware and then delete something and end up in a bigger mess.


If there is a virus its NOT going to come to you via email (chain letters) telling you to delete certain files. Most viruses are going to be in email in the .exe and so on form. You can even get an email from someone you know who actualy didnt send it but the virus did. You think its from them and its good so you open it...and BAM your infected. Best bet is to get norton or something like that, that will detect email viruses or anything you download. If you get something your not sure of go to www.sarc.com to find out about it. When downloading something from the internet make sure its a reputable site. HTH


with adaware, you can delete pretty much everything it tells you to. The worst that could happen is that some free program like kazaa wouldn't work because you deleted the ad software they bundle with their program. In this case you can either redownload kazaa or adaware saves and quarantines all of the files it deletes so that it can be uninstalled. Personally I just delete everything that comes up and have never had a problem, it knows which programs other programs rely upon and doesn't touch them. There is nothing that it would find that you would need.


You just have to know what you are doing. Im in the IT field and you wouldnt believe the number of systems I have to rebuild because someone deleted something.


Active Member
I really don't see why any system would need rebuilt over a virus or deletion of even a major system file........wipe it out and reformat. Even if bios is screwed up........pull the battery for a few minutes, and the bios will reset to default values again. The file sharing stuff won't put ---- icons on the desktop.....sounds like a download to me. If you know the name, or have a guess.......Start MenuProgramsAccessoriesSystem Toolsdisk cleanup, and then click the more options tab. Checked installed programs and see if you can tell which it is......good chance it is obvious. Then just delete it. Hopefully it's that simple, and if not, maybe someone else has an idea.


Trust me. After nimda hit our 9 campuses' we had to rebilud a lot before we got a grip on the virus. It ruined all office products and just copying a new riched20.dll it screwed up didnt fix it. Alot of deleting comes from unexperianced users around here. Sorry deleting user.dat and trying to run a backup of the registry dosent always work.