OT-New Year resolutions!

The 31 is coming up and wanted to know what resolutions are you going to have this year. Mine are going to be to save up more money and not use it all up, get more into sports and better grades, how about you?


Active Member
hardest thing of all, diet and exercise to lose weight; im actually going to try a diet of taking vitamins and only cabbage soup, i read in MAXIM a men's magazine, that it is a good way to lose weight. Only one way to find out :D...
hopefully attempt to become a vegatarion


Good luck on the diet. I went to the doctor a few weeks back, and found that my cholesterol was through the roof. He recommended a diet change before trying medication. In 2 weeks I lost 10 lbs. I need to start walking to get some exercise though. I guess typing in this forum is not enough...
All I did was cut out fatty foods, and the pounds are coming off. I don't think you need the cabbage soup diet (I think it is doomed for failure, I know I would get tired of the same meals everyday.). Just a good sensible diet, and some exercise should do the trick, or have the doctor tell you that you are putting yourself at risk for stroke or heart attack in then near future unless you change things.
Best wishes to all and a happy new year!


Active Member
Like you, save more money instead of spending it all on things I want, not need.
But most of all, cliche, and probably one of the most common, quit smoking. Toughie too.
Good luck with all yalls resolutions. Dont break em by the second. :D


Active Member
Ah Wes, you stole mine:D
Actually, try to get off my a%$ more and get some exercise.
Good Luck to all!


Active Member
Buy as much stuff for my fishies as possible while trying to balance out buying for my girlfriend. Now ask me am I broke.... Heck yeah...


quittin the cigs, got to get in shape for the honeymoon in FEB. Going to "Atlantis" Pardise Island, Bahamas. That should be a great time. i'll get a lot of pics.

Originally posted by entice59
hardest thing of all, diet and exercise to lose weight; im actually going to try a diet of taking vitamins and only cabbage soup,
hopefully attempt to become a vegatarion

I hate cabbage, I did atkins diet, it was good, although I dont do diets anymore.


Active Member
Entice, you will get so sick of that cabbage soup by the third day. Starting on the 4th day of that stuff the reason you lose weight is because everytime you smell it or look at you want to barf:eek: been there, done that.
I'm so glad to see that there are so many other tobacco habits here too, I just have more and more in common with you guys.
My resolution is to pray more, I'm not going to become a holy roller or anything, I just haven't been feeding my spirit much lately (except for the tank and that is spiritual:) )
So, I'll pray that we hold on to our money, except for the must-have tank stuff, that we all quit our tobacco habits and that Entice doesn't end up with -- well a lot of cabbage isn't that great for the digestive system if you know what I mean.
I plan to begin right after I spend New Years Eve in Broomers tank cause from his post it looks like that is where the party is!
lol,:D If you do it constantly like for over a month then cholesterol goes up but if you do it for 2 weeks it wont go as high, you can have beef, and stuff with no carbs, like salads or whatever.


Active Member
Resolution----get prego before I am 31 (in feb), and I bet that makes my hubbie happy!!!! So its two fold! Wait--three fold, I will stop smoking if prego----go figure, I can do it for the baby but not for myself----went and had a cig after the first kid while still in the hospital. Good luck to all! Happy New Year!!


New Member
Lose weight and stop cussing.
I did the Atkins diet years ago. I lost alot of weight, my cholesterol stayed fine, but I was PO'd all the time. That might have happened with any diet though.

Originally posted by entice59
hardest thing of all, diet and exercise to lose weight; im actually going to try a diet of taking vitamins and only cabbage soup, i read in MAXIM a men's magazine, that it is a good way to lose weight. Only one way to find out :D...
hopefully attempt to become a vegatarion

Be careful on the cabbage soup. Instead, just try eating less. If you eat less and start exercising, youll lose weight pretty quick :)


Active Member
trim spa actually works? when i listen to howard stern in the morning, they always have that trim spa commerical with crazy cabbie, didnt know if they were just saying it works to make ssome $$$ like everything else
have you seen what cabbie looks like lately? that fat f@#% lost over 100 pounds already! he's on the trim spa web site with before and after pics too. i think it's trimspa.com, but i really can't remember right now.