OT-New Year resolutions!

i like fish

Mine is to start working out again. Don't try any fad diets, it's a simple ratio of calories in vs. calories out. I went from 180 to 150 in less than a year by watching my diet and jogging.
Then I got hooked on weight lifting. I don't think I'll ever get huge, but it's a big rush.
I got laid off a year ago anf d that threw off my whole schedule. Now I don't eat right or excersize and I am up to 160 again.:eek:


I'll go with the majority and try to quit smoking. There are other things I'd like to improve on but that's the main one. For all you smokers out there check out my thread "lets quit smoking" so we could do it together and keep eachother posted.


well i have alot of new years resolutions. fist is to do better i school (mostly in English... you do no that satin invented it) annd then get in shape well i do whiegh only 100lbs (im 14) but that is all fat i need some muscle. and the last one is to get my tank up and running (and take care of it).


New Member

Originally posted by I like fish
Yep, work on that english, you should have said. "you do know that Satan invented it".;)

I thought that was part of the joke.:confused:
I think "english" should be "English".:)


New Member

Originally posted by fishman88
well i do whiegh only 100lbs (im 14) but that is all fat i need some muscle.

My 14 year old son is 5'8" and 185 lbs, but he plays right guard/right tackle for his school's football team. They're 13-2 over the last two years. He's no where near the biggest kid on his team.
My younger son, age 10, weighs 110lbs and plays linebacker in little league football.
100lbs doesn't sound fat to me. ;)


New Member

Originally posted by fishtanker
Going to "Atlantis" Pardise Island, Bahamas. That should be a great time. i'll get a lot of pics.

I saw that place on the Travel Channel. It looks awesome and they've got a monster aquarium.


Mines to spend less money on the tank, and more time saving up the cash...like I would be able to do it, but it's worth a try
I love football! Im about 5'11" and weigh 160 lbs, and I play deffensive end most of the time, but its very tough when your in high school with all the grades and everything, so I took break for a while and now the football coach hates me for not playing.


New Member
It's the same everywhere. Coaches hate to lose players. My youngest boy's coach wants me to help coach next season, but I'm a bit too hot headed to deal with refs. I might scare the parents too. ;)
Football is almost like a religion in Oklahoma. Some school districts start as early as 4th grade, our's start's at 7th grade. They had boys that are over 6' and 250 lbs on the 8th grade team.:eek:
My son has the same problems with grades, but they give him extra help to stay eligible like tutoring. He had a bad hyperextended knee this year so hopefully he'll be back in shape in time for next season. This class could go to the state championships by the time they get to their junior year. They've got a couple of quarterbacks that are both better than this years senior starter.

Originally posted by jonah
It's the same everywhere. Coaches hate to lose players. My youngest boy's coach wants me to help coach next season, but I'm a bit too hot headed to deal with refs. I might scare the parents too. ;)
Football is almost like a religion in Oklahoma. Some school districts start as early as 4th grade, our's start's at 7th grade. They had boys that are over 6' and 250 lbs on the 8th grade team.:eek:

lol, its a tough job being a coach, but I believe its a gift since coaches can spot any problems just like that. Im from Puerto Rico so football here isnt as tough and is not followed like in Oklahoma, so we dont a lot big guys, the only strong players Ive played against are a few crackheads, its sad watching them screw their lives like that. The funny thing is that my high school was undefeated for like for 2 years and got invited to play in florida and got ass-kicked badly, although many bones where broken from both teams.
The only expirience I had in the states was when I went to a football camp in Jaxsonville from the Jaxsonville Jaguars, NOT doing it again, because they would divide you by position not age, so I was with the linemen(BTW im skinny) and got to block an 18 year old 280 pound guy!