Active Member
I just got back from a trip to Houston, TX. I have decided that I am not made for cities any bigger than Amarillo (240,000 people). I got lost in Dallas on the way down there, adding an hour to the trip. Then when I got down there, I tried to find an LFS. Out of the 7 or 8 listed in the phone book, I could only get one to answer the phone, and even then I couldn't understand what he was saying or he couldn't understand me or something, because his directions led me right back to my hotel. I drove around for 4 hours asking people if they knew where this place was, and everyone was like "what is it". "It's a fish store", and they would say "what like to buy fish" and I would say "yeah" and they would say "wal-mart has a seafood section". Needless to say I gave up on that LFS and then decided to call the local ***** to see if they could tell me any good LFS's and they gave me the name of the one I was looking for, it took four ***** employees before anyone could give me a name of the place. Needless to say, I didn't see any fish stores while I was in Houston. On the way home, I stopped in Conroe to see what a ***** actually looked like, as we don't have any up here, and I wasn't thoroughly impressed, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be (pretty little fish girl working there though). I then got lost in Fort Worth trying to follow Highway 287. It for some odd reason led me into downtown where I got lost and had to ask a Crime Scene Investigator at a gas station how to get back to 287, after about an hour of driving down residential streets and making my way through the getto of Fort Worth, I finally found 287 and made my way north. About 30 miles north of DFW I realized that I forgot to go find Cleburne, TX where there is an LFS that carries southdown, and I decided that I didn't feel like trying to get lost again. The moral, I am not ever going through the DFW area without an experienced guide, and I am not going to go back to Houston without a translator or atleast a map.
Eternally Lost,
Eternally Lost,