OT: Other Hobbies


In light of recent topics such as, getting to know people behind the posts, what other pets do you have, your LFS horror stories...ect, here comes yet another...
Some of my other hobbies include, playing guitar, bass guitar, baseball, basketball, target shooting, running, and I hope to get into Photography soon...
also if you have any good links for these hobbies to help others learn more about them that would be pretty cool too...


Active Member
SOME computer games...and I build/fix computers for people if they need something done (free of charge). The reason I got into SW fish tanks is because I was lacking a real "hobby" outside work, school, and my girlfriend....all of which are important mind you but I find our tanks to be so relaxing...i just had to have one!


Active Member
The hobbies I enjoy are baseball, computers, this board, new at this hobby, girlfriend, she is my main hobby. Thats about it besides school and work. I enjoy everything I do and I enjoy everybody I encounter everyday at school, work, and on the internet. I am glad that I live in the days of technology without a computer I would be bored stiff.

nm reef

Active Member
Baseball...big time fan/former player(sort of)/card collection that numbers 250,000 and growing/little league coach for 25+ years...
Also like to spend time with my male/female labradors
My hobbies are singing (oh, I LOVE to sing!), being with my pets and family, and FISH, FISH, AND MORE FISH!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure we all understand this sentiment. :D As for my singing, I love music so much and at one time dreamt of being the only white person to break into the world of Spanish music. However, life has now kicked in and it seems my dream has been effectively destroyed. But I still dream, and hope, for that one day when someone will say "Hey! Come to my studio and record something!" Selena is my absoulute idol. Besides that, my only other hobbies are reading this board, sleeping, and eating (according to my bf ;) )


I love playing hockey, I'm not that good but I love it. I also mess
around with computers & sometimes my wife. :D
I've had fresh water fish for over 20 years & am just getting
back into saltwater. I love this board & wish it was around 15
years ago!!!!! Thanks everyone for all the help by the way. :)
I have way too many hobbies.I love racing. My #1 hobby is shifter karts. I attached a picture of me. I used to have a drag race car, held a world record for about 4 months. I also love soccer, I coach a youth soccer team AYSO. My allstar team just played in the national games in Hawaii in July, we got 11th out of 24, could have done a lot better though. I also scuba dive, and love to travel. There are some pics from Hawaii on my webshots. - http://community.webshots.com/user/vitessejg


Hey FireEater!! WooHoo - another FF on the board! I did the combat challenge (West coast and Nationals) many years ago. I think '93/'94? I've since messed up my shoulder and back. Since I want to keep working, I'll hold off on the competitive stuff!
Anyhow, back to the thread - I like expensive hobbies like Fish (duh!), horses(riding, driving), waterdiving, skydiving as well as cheaper ones like camping, hunting (both with horses of course) and fishing.


Active Member
Hobbies?.............nothing comes to mind. Oh yeah!! Nitro --, Art collecting, and Drag Racing.......had to put something in the middle that would throw off the racing stuff..........really do collect art though. I kinda like taking snapshots every once in a blue moon as well.
Here is a pic of my Uncle and I's 64' Corvette.
BTW Bryan..........got some good news for ya.


Active Member
Bryan- You are pretty much secured the job. I need you to stop in and fill out the actual application but, the GM said that I can hire you. We should have the applications in by tomorrow or Friday. I will give you a call tomorrow if we get the applications. This message will self-destruct in 10 minutes.


I don't have as much time for hobbies as I would like as most free time is taken up by Special Olympics, my wife and I run the local program.
When not otherwise occupied, I like to do woodworking and mess with computers.


should i call you boss now?...oh yeah, i'll be working a Jacks 12-10 tomorrow so i'm not gonna be home so a phone call won't do much good unless you called work, i'll prolly just stop in friday


My hobbies are golf and scuba diving, and our reef tank, luckily my husband is into all of these also so I always have a golf partner, a diving budy, and nobody to scream when I spend mega bucks on the tank.:p


My hobbies other then my "WIFE" are drag racing and just working on and building cars ...oh and nitro --