OT: Other Hobbies


Active Member
Along with reefing, my other 2 big hobbies are:


I also enjoy hiking, camping, kayaking, fishing... most anything that gets me outdoors.


Drag racing cars and bikes. I used to race shifters. Shooting IPSC.
Why are so many of us into racing? Its kind of the opposite of this hobby, isnt it?
I am really surprised that so many people are into racing. I can't believe somebody else even knows what a shifter kart is. Oh yeah can't forget, I am an avid deap sea fisherman, I am going on a 8 day long range fishing trip from cabo soon. Catch some big tuna


Active Member
We have experimented with making our own shifter carts at my Uncle's house. I used a Suzuki 125cc engine from a mangled dirtbike along with the clutch assembly to make a Frankenstien Cart that was fairly insane. I have paid to race the "real" carts and I would love to get into it more...............nothing cooler than 100+ MPH on a go-cart.:cool:
It is so much fun, I am actually going to vegas for the nationals next week. I have drove many fast race cars, but nothing can compete with these things, my friend that goes with me just cracked 3 ribs from the g-force on them.


Active Member
Archaeology, hunting elk/mule deer and game birds, fishing (particularly at our cabin in southern Ontario), Kung Fu, and watching the "World Race" knowing I could kick those people's a$$es!!! (Sometimes archaeology in forgeign countries will quickly help you adapt to "fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants" traveling).


Playing, coaching, refereeing, and watching soccer. Other than that, I play(quite well), coach(decent), referee(horribly), and watch soccer(I am truly one of the best in the world at this part).;)
My absolute favorite hobby/obsession is my horses. I live and breath for them. They are the light in my soul. My SW tanks take a close second. After that I love to take off on my mountain bike or hike. Not that many great places around here to hike or bike though.
Well okay...so I love to SHOP too!


Active Member
infanterene- Right now the Vette has been "tuned down" for me to drive running 9.95 in the 1/4 mile at about 138mph. The engine in it is capable of pulling out high 8s in the quarter.


Well for starters I wakeboard during the summer months, hunt during the cooler months. Avid duck hunter and deer hunt when i'm waiting on duck season to begin. I run hunt testswith my black lab and spend countless hours training him. My girlfriend takes up most of my time, she likes my new hobby of having a tank since it keeps me at home more. Also I scuba dive, golf, and a FULL TIME college student!
Oh yeah, shopping is another one of my favorites... the Galleria is my favorite place in the world, I think. And I love to ride horseback, in fact, I used to win ribbons at Saddlebred shows. But, with college and work, that is all in the past. So now, I'm left with fish and other animals. Yeah, if you can tell from my recent posts, I've been majorly depressed lately. If it depresses you, let me know. But, of course, I'll be ok. :)


i have allot of hobbies... Im an avid reptile keeper, im doin allot of music right now with the band we do allot of shows and it keeps me sain, specially when starting a record label. I also build computers and am currently working on a MUD an online multiplayer fantasy adventure rolepaying game :: pant :: wheeew lotta words there.
with the music we do allot of different types so if your in the area Id love to hear some of your stuff!
The reef thing hooked me right away so between all that an the family I have im a decently busy guy!


Next to the reef would be my love of AZ's native reptiles in particular Venomous. Also breeding dart frogs..............