

Hey All....
I am receiving, while online, approximately 20 pop-ups
per hour. I have my "blocking pop-ups"set on the
bottom of my screen, however, I am still receiving
them constantly. Maybe Im doing something wrong,
if anyone can advise me how to totally stop them,
I would greatly appreciate it...These are so annoying
and constant...
If I am posting this in the wrong forum, my appoligies
in advance....
Thanks in advance....

sinner's girl

what other sites do you have open? some homepages will do that, and I don't think there is anything you can do about it.
there are no pop up with swf.com, so if this is all that's open you shouldn't get any.


Active Member
Sounds like you have some spyware installed. Download spybot and it will identify and get rid of them for you.


I have also used ad-aware to get rid of the spy programs..
You can download it for free, just do a search on google.


Hey All....
Thanks for all the replies....
Sinners Girl....only SWF.com is opened, nothing else
Kip....it is those gray boxes that say "Message" on top
(all kinds of stuff like Pharm,, etc. type...ads)
(even block pop-up ads....)
Tang....I didnt install spyware, do not even know what
that is, how would it get into my computer without
being installed by me....?
Also, what is spybot?
plsurfer...What is ad-aware?
Please bear with me, as I am not that great when it
comes to this computer stuff...and Thanks again all....


Active Member
Sounds like you have some kind of ad-ware or spy ware. These are programs that are often loaded without your knowledge. The idea is to bug you with advertisement and/or track your surfing habits.
A program like spybot will go through your system and find programs that do this sort of thing and let you erase them.
There is another option as well. The internet browser MOZILLA has built in pop up avoidence. IMO runs better than internet explorer and it's free as well.
Hope that helps. If you need more help just drop me an email and we'll get you cleaned up.


go to download.com and download Ad-Aware and Pop up stopper, also Web washer.
All these programs are free and fantastic, Ad-Aware will go on a search and destroy mission on your computer and find spy ware and get rid of it. Pop up stopper works well and web washer does also.
Good luck, hope these help you!


Active Member
Go to- Start- Settings- Contorl panel.
Once it is opened, go to Administrative Tools
Once there, click on Services.. Go down to Messanger and double click it. Change Start Up type to Disabled and reboot..
That will stop the adds from coming in on your computer when you do not have anything running.. It is a Windows exploit..
It will not ask you to reboot, but I have found that until you do, it will still run..


Active Member
As mentioned spyware usually gets loaded in the background without your knowledge. I have used Ad aware for a long time, but Sammystingray turned me onto spybot which I think works much better and will immunize also. It is also free. You will be shocked to see all the garbage it finds on your computer that you never knew was there.


i use e-antholgy's pop-up blocker
i always get pop ups, heres how many popups it blocked on my comp


Hey All....
Once again....thanks for all the help....
Kip....On this computer I have Win2000...
On my sons brand new Dell that we paid a pretty
penny for last week, we have WinXP...btw...he
just told me he is getting a ton of pop-ups also,
how could this be, his computer is 1 week old, fully
upgraded to the max,and I mean the max....man, those
pop-ups are annoying....how did that stuff get on
my sons computer so fast?
Wamp...do I have to do that while online?
Jump....thanks for the info....btw...cyano gone again(for now)lol
Lion, Tang and Krunk....which one should I use or should I use them all....also, how exactly do you get these...?
Much Appreciated All....


Active Member
Pop Up blockers will stop your browsers from opening up windows on your desktop. Spybot searches your computer for spyware. Spyware may open popups on your desktop, but most of them work silently behind the scenes. They keep track of where you browse on the internet and secretly upload this information to gather statistics on web users. It can also combine to study where you spend your time on the internet and coordinate popups to be something you are interested in seeing. Most claim they are anonymous, but some actually send your IP address along with the information so that is no anonymous in my book.
To answer your question, both might be needed. Pop ups are just a pain in the a$$, but spyware can be doing god knows what. Search the web for Spybot and download it. Install it and look at the tutorial under the Help Menu. It is very easy to use. You can just have it examine your PC at first. It won't do anything until you tell it to fix it. I think you will be shocked to see all the spyware that has been put on your machine over time. After you read the tutorial, you may want to immunize your PC against these in the future. It is a great tool.


Also if your runing windows 2000 or XP you can go into services and stop/disable messenger services. I did this and it seemed to help me.