One thing you have to remember when you win the big jack pot for power ball, is that there is a ton of paper work and a couple of lawyers involved to get the money. It can be a rather time consuming task. Not to mention in general you will not see a penny of it for at least 3 months
. Luckily I don't have to deal with that part of it. But waiting that long for my money would be annoying as hell !!!! of course i am not allowed to play since i work fer them. People might suspect that i rigged it some how ... hmm if i only could !! j/k
In nebraska that would have been after taxes(but before the liers oops lawyer i mean
fees ) Someone could of had : $204,100,000 The lawyer fees for this ( ya ready for this !) is 2% of the total winnings AFTER taxes are taken out. Thats about $400,000 for the lawyer! Thats a heck of a fee !! I could handle that for a weeks worth of work
But still $204,100,000 could set up a heck of a fish tank