OT Powerball tickets


mr hanky

not me:( guess i dont get my own island, with a reel reef around t.. :cool: )oh well ill just keep dream'n.


And we have a winner!
HURRICANE, West Virginia (CNN) -- State lottery officials said Thursday a lawyer for the winner of the largest single winning lottery ticket ever -- $314.9 million -- has contacted them.


People who hit the lotto usually have a lawyer take care of things as they want to stay anonymous as long as possible.
The press will root them out though.
One thing you have to remember when you win the big jack pot for power ball, is that there is a ton of paper work and a couple of lawyers involved to get the money. It can be a rather time consuming task. Not to mention in general you will not see a penny of it for at least 3 months :eek: . Luckily I don't have to deal with that part of it. But waiting that long for my money would be annoying as hell !!!! of course i am not allowed to play since i work fer them. People might suspect that i rigged it some how ... hmm if i only could !! j/k :D
In nebraska that would have been after taxes(but before the liers oops lawyer i mean :p fees ) Someone could of had : $204,100,000 The lawyer fees for this ( ya ready for this !) is 2% of the total winnings AFTER taxes are taken out. Thats about $400,000 for the lawyer! Thats a heck of a fee !! I could handle that for a weeks worth of work :) But still $204,100,000 could set up a heck of a fish tank :)


HURRICANE, West Virginia (CNN) -- Andrew "Jack" Whittaker, a 55-year-old grandfather and owner of several construction companies will take home $111.7 million in cash for winning Christmas night's Powerball lottery drawing.
Grandpa! hehe


I actually have a close friend that nailed a million in the Hoosier lottery. 1 mil over 10 years = 100,000 per year. NOT. Only gets 72,000 a year after taxes. ONLY?! And yes, this guy has a nice tank!