OT puppy!


Haha. You have picked up on it. Well My dad is French but I don't speak it (wayyy to hard LoL). My last name is DeYoung it probably stands for like "the young". My brother looks way older than he is and he has grey hairs and his nickname is "DeOld". Also he smokes and stuff. It would appear like I slipped off topic..


Oh yeah. See I'm not to quick on the intake or outake or whatever. LoL. Also I don't live in Montreal where everyone speaks French. i live in Atlantic Canada. On a cruddy island called Cape Breton. Absolutley nuttin to do here. LoL. We hang out in baseball fields. Hahahaha. Whats there to do down in America? I have no idea where delware is so I don't know if it's big. Probably more to do than here. Hahahaha.
actually delaware is the second smallest state lol very small...its on the west coast, and we have a lot to do down here mainly im into the beach for lifegaurd bu ti dont live on it i live in the city ...north dover


Yea we have a ton of beach around here cuz I'm on an island and all :D . But no one goes to them cuz there to far away and no one has any liscenses like u lucky people down in america.
So your a lifeguard eh? (Yes I said eh) Save any lives yett? LoL


Hahahahaha yea i guess that counts. I'm also making a difference in the world... I'm a paperboy. LoL. How much do ya get paid to be a lifeguard? I' thinking about taking my 1st star over and up to that badge hahahahaha. I'd be in with8 year old. Then again they act more my age then I do. LoL


26 dollars an hour!!! And thats american so thats like almost 40 Canadian. Man u get paid alot of money. My paper route pays me about 7 bux a day 6 days a week for half an hours work. LoL. In the end I make like 75 every two weeks. Then I get my allowance and that puts me somewher over 200. And all that money gets blown on wikit stupid things and fish (which some people call stupid).