OT school


Active Member
i went to my towns Highschool open house, and they tryed to recruit freshmen-to-be for their clubs, so i joined the politics club :D


I don't know about politics, but do what you can to stay involved with school. It will make your four years go by faster and with more friends.


I don't know about politics, but do what you can to stay involved with school. It will make your four years go by faster and with more friends. Don't let apathy ruin your time at school.
Ditto to what Zippy said, enjoy the high school years and get involved.
I would also talk to some of the teachers at the school and see if one of them would be interested in maybe moderating an aquarium club at the school. Since you already have tanks going you would be able to pass along a good bit of information to others, and who doesn't like talking about their tanks. You never know who has the same interest in fishkeeping as you do.


I agree with getting involved. Such clubs serve multiple purposes not the least of which is making friends and bolstering your attractiveness to colleges and/or employers. A well rounded and educated individual is hard to come by and most college and job recruiters look for such extracirrcular activities. It says volumes about you as a person and you as a worker.
Get involved as much as you can without letting the other aspects of high school suffer.


Active Member
so far, for highschool ill be in 2 things, peer mediation and politics club, i got picked for peer mediation 2 years ago