OT: The National Champions will be ...


Active Member
OK all - for those of you outside the US - this may seem WAY off topic. But This is a huge sportings event here in the US. Aside from CNN this is the only thing in my house that has been on TV in the evenings......
So whose it gonna be??
Texas - the Lone #1 left
KU - The #2 Seed who should've been a #1?
Marquette - the "WE RE MARQUETTE" folks who won it all in the late 70's?
Syracuse - the team that has a great leader who has never won it all??


Active Member
must be your age - happy birthday!!
Also - my daughter started riding lessons ..... another soon to be horse/swf addict in the making!!
No better hobbies in the whole world! Horses (gaited, of course :D ) and SWF! Can't think of any better obsessions! I wish your daughter good luck in her lessons and years of happy and safe riding!
P.S. I'm VERY old....I'm probably one of the oldest members on this board!


Active Member

Originally posted by PhoenixRising
No better hobbies in the whole world! Horses (gaited, of course :D ) and SWF

Age is a mental thing .....
Also - I am a city boy - grew up in Cleveland - so a horse is a horse of course unless if it is Mr Ed ......


i'm gonna go with syracuse, that zone defense they got is awesome, they really put it to oklahoma.


Well I'm still in denial that Kentucky lost, but I'd have to root for their victors, so go Marquette.
There's no joy in Big Blue Nation right now :(


Active Member
I think it's a toss up between Kansas & Syracuse, but I think I'm leaning more toward Syracuse. It's hard to pick when no one from NC is there, which is thankfully unusual.
UNC, Duke, get it together boys, the final 4 doesn't look right without at least one of you there.


Its pretty glum in UK circles right now. As you know Kentucky fans expect perfection and now there are rumors Tubby Smith is headed to the NBA becuase he didnt get enough support from the fans and alums. I hope he doesnt leave, he took some getting used to but I like him a lot now, dont want anyone to replace him unless its Pitino or Billy Donovan.
As for the rest of the tourney I'm rooting for Marquette, however I think the Jayhawks have the strongest team. Well its not April anymore, but the madness continues!!!


Kansas is a great team with no depth. I think if you get them in foul trouble, you can beat them. If Wayne Simeon was healthy, they'd be unstopable. For this reason, I think it's gonna be a Longhorn National Championship year! Oh, and by the way NaCl-H2O, get used to not seeing UNC or Duke in the final four. The Big 12 is hear to stay!


Marquette beat the top 2 teams in the tournament in my estimation, Pitt and kentucky. If they can get past KU's bigmen they will win it all.. I think the Kansas / Marquette winner will be the champ. Texas isnt that impressive and Syracuse only looked so good because they are playing practically at home, they wont be so hot on the road.


Active Member
:( :( :( :( :( KU lost - well - unlike all the loser Miami fans who gripped that the officials blew the game I will not make excuses - KU did not execute nor did they hit their foul shots ....otherwise it might've been a different game ... oh well there is always next year and with 2 mcdonald's all-americans on the way KU should be OK next year too!!
Blue Dew
and those two mysterious voters- congrats and enjoy your national championship!!!!
Congrats to Syracuse


Active Member
I'll forever have the vision of two feet off the floor not being traveling though ughhhhhhhhh. Refs blew that call bad BAD. But KU mostly beat themselves, foul shots, letting the orangmen make them play a half court game.

sea goblin

It was prety crazy here last night....Marshall street was the place to be. We had cops on top of all the buildings on the street, and they had greased down the trees to try and keep people out of them. Needless to say the trees are little more than bare poles now. There were a few fires lit up on the street, nothing major. Some big fire works went off from people in the crowd. It was awsome.
CUSE IS #1!!!!
Sea Goblin