OT: They're coming home!!!


Active Member
Thought I'd share my excitement. My Marines are coming home! Some of you might remember I've got 2 sons in the Corps. One of my sons has been in Kuwait since January. He left when his son was only 2 months old and his wife and son came to stay here with family. He gets back to the states on the 28th. My step-son left a year ago for a six month float to Okinawa and was extended and he gets into San Diego on Monday. He has a 3 year old son and wife he hasn't seen in a year. Both get leave and will be here by the end of the month! I wanted to share but also to say that during our worries this hobby and this board have been a godsend for me on my time off from work, especially in the wee hours when it was too late to call friends. It's taken my mind off my worry many times and I thank you all for helping me in developing my tank into something that has given me a great deal of relaxation (and work;) ) during a time of great stress for me and my family.


Active Member
Great to hear! I had a pretty rough day at work and it soothes my soul a little bit to get some good news like that........also makes me realize how trivial my goofy work concerns really are. I am happy for you and I am sure that they can't wait to see thier Mama. :)


Active Member
Thanks Rye, but you got it a little backward. Momma can't wait to see them, but they can't wait to see their wives;)


Very good news, GOD bless em, and thanks for sharing that with us. To a happy reunion :)

nm reef

Active Member
A few Oklahoma ladies are a touch more happy tonight.
Congrads on the good news and I'm glad they return safe.
Sometimes this nation pays a high price for our freedoms...and it is our mothers that pay the most.:cool:


Active Member
Glade to hear the good news for you give them our thanks for doing what they do (being MARINES). I am in a faimly of jarheads father and older brotrher i was but life took a bad road (rain and street bike don't go togather that good) and am glade to be walking today.
thank them one more time from all of us!!!!!


Glad your family is home safe. There is absolutlely nothing better than seeing your family home. Watching them get off the plane after bieng in harms way for months at a time is awsome.
Congrats. And thanks to you and them for what you have to deal with and what they do.
Excellent news!! I'm so glad for you that they will be arriving home safe and sound! Please thank them for me for helping to protect this great country. Thank them also for their personal sacrifices so that my children can be safe. God Bless our military personnel and their families!


You must be one hell of a lady... two marines! Few mom's have done better!! Great to hear they're home safe, now get some sleep!!


Very happy for you Wrassecal!!! I can relate to your feelings. I am related to Jessica Lynch (by marriage),,so when they come home..its awesome.


Active Member
Wrassecal, that is great news.....tough life being a service "person":) , and I can only imagine their hurry to get home to the things they left behind.....that is absolutely great news.:) :)


Active Member
I can remember when I walked off the Lincoln after six months afloat and how wonderful it felt to just walk on grass and drive a car around town. I can imagine how exited they are. One thing that my family could not understand was an hour after I got home I drove up to the mountains for some alone time. So give them hugs and then let them throttle back and relax for some time. Glad to here the great news.:D


Active Member
jlem, I've been wondering about that kind of thing. It's going to be a real adjustment for them and their wives living together again and being home, but while they are on leave, if they wander off I know exactly how to get them back - FOOD!
Sheree - I heard on the news this morning that Jessica Lynch is going home. Speaking of no time to get your self together and work through experiences. I just wish everyone would leave her alone and then "if" she wants to share, fine. But, the media will probably hound that girl like crazy. She has shown amazing strength so far.
Sammy - My step-son is going to stay in for his career. I'm proud of him for that, but yeah, so far it sure has been tough on everybody.