OT User Names


A post in another thread made me curios. How did everyone come up with their user names? Some are obvious like Bang Guy but some might be more interesting reading. I'll start off as mine's a funny story.
I was ordering some food from a takeout place over the phone and when they asked who it was for I told the "Richie" so they asked "R-I-C-H-Y" and I replied to them no it is spelled "I-E". THey said oh "I-E-C-H-Y" and I said yes I spell Richie I-E-C-H-Y and went to McDonald's;)
This was second only to the time I ordered a ham biscuit at Burger King and they asked me if I wanted ham on it. I told them sure I'd take it if it was some kind of special they were running with the ham biscuits today.:D


New Member
Mine Speaks for itself. But.... that car was gone along time ago I now have a 73 El Camino SS but too much of a pain to change nicks hehehheh


Active Member
My name comes from a co-worker who has been going with me to all the LFS around the KC area. We go out over lunch and he kept telling me I was an "OVERANALYZER" and he just wants me to go out and charge the whole setup on my credit card. Keep explaining I like to be married :D and don't think the wife would approve. He wants a tank but also knows he is moving in less than 6 months!
I was christened with this name when I showed him my collection of spreadsheets (had a 4 pager for purchasing our new minivan, have a ten pager on my tank, have a 3 pager on my freshwater tank I have setup right now, have a four pager on resteraunts rigth around work.......) get the idea!?!?!?!


Active Member
as i am scottish and am a large american:D ;)
jon the fat

= jonthefb
if any of you have seen the austin powers series you know what im talkin about..., now come ere im gonna eat ya !!!!


I got mine from wargames forever and a day ago. Back when I was younger, my friends and I would go out to the forest and camp out for the weekends, and have paintball tourneys. They said they could never hear me approach before I was right on them, so they started calling me their Shadow. lol It's not my fault they're deaf.
I found the BB when the only fish I knew well was the damsel and I am very much a Christian......hence Heavenly Damsel. Since I am a lot more knowledgeable now I realize my name is a non-sequetor. LOL there is nothing heavenly about a damsel. I like the name though.


Active Member
Na is the symbol for sodium, Cl is the symbol for chloride. Sodium cloride (NaCl) is salt, H2O is the chemical symbol for water so you have salt water as my name.
On almost all of the BB's I've used that name, but on two BB's it was used and I went for "Dan The Man" a phrase a good freind of mine uses refering to me sometimes. When I went on the first BB were it was used, I got "log on name block" and my son who was on my lap remembering what my freind calls me, suggested it. You have to use your kids ideas, you just can't say no to them.
The funny thing is, whoever used my name on those two BB's never posts on them, he just used up my name so I have to have two names to keep up with.


I am a furniture finisher. I specialize in very high end decorative and faux finishing techniques. I was hired by a company years ago that wanted to take their product to the next level... they were just doing a "stain & topcoat" finish... rather boring and lackluster. A very important part of getting a finish with some depth and beauty to it is using glaze (specially formulated stain meant to be applied between layers of finish, basically).
So I was handed a finish department with 10 people, all shall we say "english challenged". The instructing began... when one guy asked another for some help... " Donna az me, az da glazer" came the reply. Ten minutes later from another I hear, " 'scuse pleeze meester glazer, you hep for me da next? " and so on and so on.....lol


Mine comes from a few things. First off from my family heritage, my name which is Colin O'Connor, you can t get more Irish than that. Second is from the fact that I'm tall and skinny and the "Stout" makes me feel better :D Also I have a healthy appetite for Guiness Stout and pretty much any other brew so it just made sense to me.
--God created whiskey to keep the Irish from taking over the world.


You need to try Murphy's that is some good juice, and if they have it in your area Rickenjacks Old Hard Ale, Sammy Smith's Oatmeal Stout mmmmmm Too many to list and I dont want to throw this thread off too much:D


Sorry Had to mention one more. If you can find it, its a local micro brew from the Abita Brewery, TurboDog baby, yeah:D