OT > Want a website


Active Member
I'm looking for some feed back on the best places to get personal webpages. What is their cost what do you get and have your experences with them been good? Thanx


Depends on what you want to do with the site. If its primarily for posting pictures and messages, MSN has a really easy UI for their personal pages:
<a href="http://communities.msn.com/" target="_blank">MSN Communities</a>


No experience with any of the other sites (tripod, et cetera), but MSN couldnt be much simpler when it comes to posting images.
All they require is a Passport account (which is free) and you're off and running.
If you need a hand setting it up, let me know...Id be happy to set up the account and community for you and give you the username password; simply change the pw to something you can remember and voila.
I pay 29.95 a year for Homestead.
A lot of the free sites dont allow direct linking and are often down or unavaliable do to exceeded bandwidth.
And to me its all about ADDS with free sites. I hate those adds and often will not open a site on geocites, webbshots and such with out my Pop-Up Stopper on.
Homestead is worth the small price. I can upload an image and have a url in less than one minute with ZERO adds. Plus you get sitebuiding tools without having to buy software.

nm reef

Active Member
My site is provided by my local privately owned ISP....I can get additional space if needed(they like my humble lil site)...plus I sort of taught myself how to write my html code(with lots of help from members here!)
Cost for 2 dial-up accounts and the website is 24.95 a month.

richard rendos

Active Member
<a href="http://www.freeservers.com" target="_blank">www.freeservers.com</a>
that is what i use. check it out and see if you like the format.
<a href="http://rendosreef.freeservers.com" target="_blank">http://rendosreef.freeservers.com</a>
Dan, I started out with geocities and found it difficult to manuever around in...but then you are more computer savvy than I. I find MSN much more user friendly and I can have different albums. Also easier for others to look at.
When I decided to do a web site I looked at other peoples, made my decision based on how easy it was for me to access their sites.
If you need help call me. Jacqui
P.S. You can borrow my camera if you want.


Hi, get a hold of me I have done several personal websites. I know of a free server without any adds.
<a href="http://www.epwdesign.com/" target="_blank">Experience Perfect WebDesign</a>