OT: What is your favorite brew?


Active Member
Ok due to recent demands......:rolleyes: Im going to start a thread for scientific purposes (cough cough) On which is the preffered beer of reef keepers.
I have one vote for Shiner Bock! Brewed in texas. After that...lets try michelob Amber bock (sorry ale guys dark is the way to go!)
ill drink to the dark, stout is the only way to go, then get a good fat steak and a baked tator and your set! :D
one vote for local beers (mostly stouts and darks)
as for more well known beers, rolling rock or corona with lime.
edit: forgot heni and becks :D :D :D


Active Member
Yeah my fav is to eat a nice hearty meal...have a nice maduro and sit back with a dark brew. ;)


Active Member
guiness if definately a good choice, but i can only stomach one or two....way thick for me.
try it with a scoop of ice cream, SOOOO GOOOD :D i had at once and go wasted, it was the best thing i have ever tasted, trust me, try it sometime, its great.


Active Member
ever had beer with tomato juice? good stuff. What kind of Ice cream would you recomend?


Active Member
Guiness and ice cream, I will have to try that, whats that called and irish float :D Think Ill have to pass on the tomatoe juice though:eek:


Active Member
The tomato juice is pretty good, even for some one who does not like tomato juice.

Originally posted by aarone
ever had beer with tomato juice? good stuff. What kind of Ice cream would you recomend?

go with vanilla icecream. no, i haven't tried it with tomato juice and never will. i don't even like tomato's!!

irish pride

New Member
Fellows for those who not know the ways of "yeung ling" I petty. It is by far a dark brew making a name for itself. I drink Guiness, Amberbock, Killians and anything else I can can get my hands on. Including a couple of local joints who have a national name for them themselves(McGuires Irish pub!!!) Ask about it while you are out and you will not regret it I promise...
you have never had good hard stout till you have had something that is around here called arrogant

ale (dont let the ale part fool you, its as dark as it comes) this stuff will nock you on your arse! it only comes in 22oz bottles, and it costs almost $4 a bottle, has a huge demon on the front of the bottle, very cool, anyway, my friend the alcy who drinks 24/7 365 cant even handle more then one of them. i will have to get one one day and show you guys the bottle, its cool but just way to strong.
now how about the worst beers out there poll? just post it in there after your fav. beer.
worst ones i have ever had are, my own beer i made lol but its like 15 to 18% alc/vol, so who cares
moose head from canada, i just dont what they were thinking :confused:
and 211, no need to say anymore on that one.


-Cptain Morgans Perfect Stock rum and cokes
-long island iced teas
-miller light, heineken, corona,
I've tried it and just can't aquire a taste for dark beers.


Active Member
Tain't nothing better than a good old mater beer:D Also supposed to be good for a hangover(hair of the dog?) We have a place that serves them in a frosted mason fruit jar. Other than that I'm a Miller Lite guy and I love a Harp when I can find them.

blue dew

Beers, hmmmm...
Well, all around favorite is Guiness, preferably on draft with a long pour time. I also second the nod for Arrogant

Ale, very good but not the best to drink in large quantities if you plan on functioning later on. Most of the Belgian Trappist ales are also fantastic, like Chimay and Orval.
I just recently tried Shiner Bock from Texas, pretty good and easy to get here in the south.
Dead Guy Ale from Rouge Brewery in Oregon is also excellent.
Worst beer, Saint Pauli Girl for me, instant headache in every bottle. Miller High Life comes in a close second in the not good category.


Active Member

Originally posted by cincyreefer
Aaron- If you are old enough to drink then don't you think it is about time to graduate highschool? :D :D :D

??? high school...hell im a sophomore in college...PRE MED BABY!


Active Member
Aaron, I thought you were about 14:eek: I mostly drink Budweiser unless I'm out and then, if beer, I drink a local micro brew call Railyard Amber. I don't drink much beer except during football, usually drink wine. FWIW beer and tomato juice is known as a "bloody beer." It's good.;)


Active Member
well i vote for good old budweiser. and if you compare, bush tastes the same. coors w/lime is good, rolling rock,
worst beer, i dont like the darks either, they taste and smell like skunk. also bad knickerbocker & blatz actually, there are alot of nasty ones out there
aarone, i thought you were younger too, what happened with that contest at work? i lost the thread.