OT- What to do if board member appears to be ripping you off? Before seeing lawyer.


Active Member
Ok, before I post his name, I want to give him one last chance to get back to me. And then I go to our legal adviser at work.
But, I also want yalls opinions.
I sent this member a check for a PC Light over a month ago. He cashed it about a month ago. I keep getting blown off as to why he hasn't sent the light. Despite my kind hearted attempts to contact him, he has begun ignoring me.
What to do? My next step is a lawyer, simply for the principle of the matter. :mad:

nm reef

Active Member
Now that is a tough question with no easy answer...you may have no recourse but legal action. Sadly the world is full of folks that lie and steal. Best of luck resolving your situation.
As a moderator of this site I would be interested in knowing which member you have a problem with...not that I can or would do anything ... just for informational purposes.


Active Member
Well seeing as you are in the states I dont know how useful my information will be, I can only refer to how it would be here in England.
If you have entered into a written contract (i.e. you have proof he agreed to sell it to you and agreed the amount, e.g. print outs from screen, email etc) he is legally bound to give you the goods or the money back. You also would need a bank statement to show the money has left your account. Over here we would take that to the Trading Standards Officer (one in each county) and they would tell the guy to give you the goods with legal authority. If you do not have this kind of facility in the US, talk to your lawyer by all means, I know its not the value its the principle isnt it?
I think if this person is reading this they should have a look in their conscience and send the goods to you, maybe its an honest mistake, I hope so and its all resolved peacefully :)


Active Member
Thanks NM. I will drop you an email about it in a second. I figured legal recourse is my only option right now. We shall see.
Times, thats coincidental. I used to live in London. In Hampstead, by the heath. Beautiful area. But, here, contracts, both written and verbal vary state by state. I am looking at more of a fraud/ mail fraud legal standpoint. Hope something happens. Thanks yall. :mad:


Active Member
Good point richard. Let me see what NMReef and the rest of the mods say about that before I do.
I agree with you though. I dont want any other , honest members getting trampsed on like me.
I think I know who you are talking about and I had a similar (sort of) experience. Agreeing to a deal then backing out for no reason.


Active Member
Good points. He cashed my check and hasn't gotten back to me since. I am thinking lawyer time. If I dont hear from him by work tonight, I will post his full name. He hasnt posted on here since the 27th of Dec either. Which is when I started complaining to him. :mad:
Cashier check or Money Order for any outside orderings! Always!
I have encountered some problem even with cashier check or money order but I get my money back. Let the bank do their job. It is like "let them drive for you, and you sit the back and relax."
Credit card too risky, bad experience happened and never again. EVER!
Sorry to hear what have happened to you and hope things get resolved.


Active Member
Yea, I've gotten burned that way too. That's what has made me warry about blind transactions. Money orders or PayPal.


Active Member
Yes, don't bother with a lawyer unless you got very expensive PC lights!
Print out the email records, his original post for sale of the lights...anything. Hopefully you get canceled checks or request them from the bank, as well as a copy of you bank transactions showing it was cashed (canceled check also gets his sig on the back of the check), etc.
Get any and all possible paperwork, regardless of how minor it seems.
Then watch any number of TV court shows for tips.
All my legal advice based on watching many hours of the old "people's court" and "judge judy." :D May not be all that correct, but it is logical at least.
Good luck.
Really sorry to hear that happened to you. I guess there are thieves and crooks in any hobby, but it is especially sad when it is someone we all post with every day. I wish you good luck in recouping your losses.
This is a perfect example of why I buy everything new from a reputable vendor. I know lots and lots of folks buy fabulous things on sites like ---- but I always avoid those places like the plague! Costs a little more doing it my way, but it sure saves a lot of potential aggravation and monetary losses.
Keep us posted.......


No need to higher a lawyer...depending in what state you live in and how much money you are asking for small claims court may be a good idea...you will probably get a default judgement anyway...the clerk at the court will more than likely help you...go to your district court and file a complaint...


If it is indeed the Emergency Sale thread I am supposed to be buying an overflow from him. Thank the good lord I havent sent the money yet. :eek:

zack schwartz

Active Member
Has happen to me to!! Not from this guy but I sent guy money through paypal and after a 30 day investagtion I got my money back thank g-d paypal!


I feel Your Pain Draxx,
My Father Passed Away Christmas 93 Succummed to a Stroke in November before Thanksgiving and died December 28th I was 21 then" The really sad part was pulling the Plug.. At that time. But When I really think about it I know He is Happier now then ever... He has lived a very full Joyful and Accomplished Life.. And that is what I think about...Not the way he died. But the way he Lived... I am truly Sorry for your fathers passing. And My prayers will go out to you and your Family. And I pray that you will be okay... Time Heals hearts and attitudes. It took me 3 years.. Mj


My dad is dead too:( . He died from a heart attck at age 40.:( :(


Staff member
I don't know that SWF.com can do anything, except BAN the guy. But you should contact them and point out the problem.
It may mean the end of the trading forum though. There's always the few that ruin what should otherwise be a positive exp.


I hope SWF.com does ban this person, but doesn't take away the classified forum. I have bought from people using this board and have had good luck as I am sure have many others . Hopefully this person will see this thread and do the right thing. Either give you your merchandise or your money back. It's a shame, but the saying is true...a few bad grapes spoil the bunch, and appearently this person has gone sour. I know it doesn't help you right now, but thank you for making us all aware of this person so no one else will get burned.