OT: What Would You Do?


Active Member
I was in the LFS today, and I was talking to Jeff, the owner, and he had just gotten off the phone with another customer. He started laughing when he got off the phone, so obviously I asked him what it was about. He told me the whole story. There was a lady who had bought a Betta from another LFS, and after a couple of weeks it developed a lump on its head. She now distrusts the other LFS, so she came to Jeff. She bought some Maracyn2, or whichever's for FW. Well, needless to say, it didn't work, and so she got a little upset. She recently called Mardel, the Maracyn producer, and talked directly to the president of Mardel, trying to figure out what was going on. To date she has spent well over $200 trying to cure the Betta. Jeff told her in the beginning to just flush it, or leave it be. As the Mardel was $6, twice the cost of the fish. She was disgusted with him. Oh well. Here's the question: Would you be more inclined to allow it to die, or spend $200 trying to save it?


Well lets see. My powder brown tang with ich $30. Refracto to do hypo with overnight shipping $120. Hospital tank setup $40. New cost for tang $190. All that then he didn't make it through hypo.
Considering that this is a Betta that I can pick up for $1.29 down at Discount Variety ( a local fresh water fish store/variety store ), I think that the choice would be obvious.

sinner's girl

since i don't have the $200 i'd have to let the betta be. i don't see sinner spending 200 to save a fish. unless something was in the whole tank and it would cost more to start over (even then we might have to give up sw for awhile)
she must either really love that fish, or have too much money