OT: You Americans got it easy!


Active Member
Thank you Hairtrigger! I must say I was a bit annoyed by the tone of someone who hasnt even been to England (if he had he wouldnt say what he did!!)
You are taking England as a whole, which is wrong, London has a totally different climate to Wales (where i live in the west), to Northern England (Manchester, Birmingham, Newcastle) and very very different to Scotland the mountains! Scotland has snow all year around, and has the same climate as Norway and Scandanavia. Here where I live in Cardiff it is incredibly wet in the winter and relatively warm in the summer. In London and South East it is baking mediterranean temperatures, see the diversity? Just remember it wasnt a competition, but America is VASTLY bigger than England! At least I can say with authority as I have actually been there! :p Oh, and one more phrase - NORTH ATLANTIC TRADE WINDS!
There is a space below this post for your apology waterwolf! ;)
Tim :D


Active Member
Also, we had a hurricane in 1988 and 2000 thank you very much, we have notorius mountains in Scotland and Wales, and yes the Shetland Isles, Orkney Isles are in the arctic circle thank you very much! Also, average means not a lot, because it could really shoot down that 3.10" in one day as oppossed to your 5:62 spread over a month! It does work the other way as well i know.
Good job I dont make sweeping statements about your great country!!
Tim :rolleyes:


Active Member
Anytime. I had a feeling you would be back to explain his question about the types of actual weather across England. I only lived in London so didnt really consider myself an authority outside the basics. But, since I wasnt sure when you'd be back I figured I would post a little something in yer defense. I just don't like when folks are vindictive towards others, and really have no basis for it, or make poor, uneducated arguments. I do miss England though. It's a great place. I havent been back in about 2 years now. Ugh. I need to take a vacation. I will say one thing I dont like about it... the sirens. Our sirens here are annoying, but the beee booo beeee booo on emergency vehicles there drives me nuts. :D


Active Member
LOL, the bee booor beee booor's have actually been replaced! ;)
Yes I have never said one bad thing about the states, I love it there, I plan to emigrate there when I get my professorship cos you guys pay a lot more than us lot! :D
Im sure he didnt mean to cause me offence, just should be a little more careful with his opinion next time, and try to base it on fact!
Take it easy mate,
Tim :cool:


Active Member
I agree times, facts are important. The sirens have been replaced????? WOW. :D Man, those things used to bother me so much. Yeah, I know, neurotic, but hey. The states are cool, yes, I love it here. But, I think I could be just as happy back in England. My brother was born in Queen Charlotte's hospital in London so he has duel citizenship, lucky kid. I might consider moving back for a while. Depends if I can work at my company's office there or not. We'll see. :cool:


Active Member
Yup the sirens have been replaced with these really stupid loud things that make you jump out of your skin!
Yes the UK is a very nice place to live, but ridiculously expensive! Petrol is 7x the price over here, 6 legged hermits are $10 each and Live Rock is $20 a pound! I would like to spend quite a few years in the states I think, I went there in the summer and went to Kentucky, Tenessee (family), Georgia and Florida. I jsut feel Id be richer in the states, lol, plus you guys pay loads for British Professors, funny i think, at our universities we like American professors and over there you guys like British ones, lol.
Maybe we could do a house swap! LOL! :D
Tim :cool:


Still waiting on Tim's apology Wolf!;)
I have lived in upstate New York as well and truly miss the snow...Azonic please post those Pics!!!


Active Member
OK here in Kansas we are in drought conditions and I would love to see a few more feet of snow but we have had barely 6 inches. Ofcourse we have had -20 wind chills recently .... but when it comes to hellacious rain storms??? No one can compare - lighting dancing across the sky in waves and wall clouds that look like the 2nd coming of satan .... The spring time there are some pretty massive, hide in your basement, pray for it to miss you kind of thunderstorms .... The other 3 months of the year we don't have much to worry about except a little ice in the winter ....
still I'd put our spring thunder booemrs up against any bad weather any where ....


No, I have never been to the United Kingdom. I was just stating facts that I got from the weather channel. The weather channels, daily & monthly averages and records showed me that England's weather was rather mild compared to the weather in North America. BTW it was a city to city comparision(Seattle vs. London). I am not bashing your country so don't bash mine. If you want to use personal experiences to argue with me, fine, you win. I don't want to make this an arguement.

reef fool

Active Member

Originally posted by dburr
Geez, I thought we had it bad here in CT. It has been below freezing for 2 weeks. Day time yesterday was about 25 and that feels warm. Night has been below 0.
I'm getting cabin fever myself.:(

16 Days in a row below freezing is not fun. Wind chills below 0 degrees F for 4 days straight is no picnic either! I am feeling your pain dburr. The weather just hits me a few hours before you! To top it off, I work outside. Not this past week though! At least we aren't getting 12 - 16 inches of snow every week like we did around the holidays!
You want to talk about getting dumped on, I bet Bang Guy is sick of the white stuff by now! The Buffalo and Syracuse areas have had the lake effect snow machine going for about a month straight now. Their snow shovels are probably worn down to the handle by now!
Hey Plum70rt,
Thanks for the tease! When I look out the window, This is all I can see of my 20 X 40 inground pool.


Active Member
:) Remember I use to live in NY too, I know the cold makes me appreciate it here more, the pool is screen Enclosed, you can swim in the rain, your wet already:D , Is the Deer Population in Dutchess County still Like NYC sewer Rats? , I remember hunting in the woods in Subzero temps,I had a inground pool in NY,I hated that scene of the frozen pool cover:mad: Anyone want to stick there head under the Dolphin?


Active Member
Dont worry about it, Im not trying to make an argument at all! Just want you to realise that it is best to base things on experience!
Hmmm I dont remember ever bashing your country at all.....I have nothing but respect for the USA and I like to think the feeling is mutual :)
Lets leave it here and put it down to misunderstaning ;)
Take care,
Tim :cool:

reef fool

Active Member
Yeah Plum70rt, The deer are like tall rats, except they eat your shrubs, not your garbage! They are building houses like crazy around here, so there is less room every week for them. I used to feed them in the winter, but it is illegal to do so now. But you can still hunt for them though.

reef fool

Active Member
Yes that is an archery target in the backgound.
No, I don't shoot deer in my yard.( I go to Westchester Cty. where they are worse than NYC sewer rats!)
And for Seaham, the picture was taken last year, I am not feeding them this year.


Florida Warm?? I think is was 25 in Orlando this weekend. When it gets below 60 it is time for the long john's. just the thoughts of a Florida native :D
i was wearing long john's, 2 long sleeve shirts, 2 sweat shirts, a sweater vest, a ski jacket, jeans, ski pants, ski gloves, and a whole face mask here in orlando and i was FROZEN!!! I think i need to move to someplace warmer. Florida is just not warm enough anymore. I think you Northerners are crazy! :p

reef fool

Active Member
It was about 25 degrees yesterday and I saw a few people out w/ short sleeve shirts on and NO COAT!
On Thursday I saw the Pepsi delivery guy out w/ a wool hat, a medium weight jacket and SHORTS!!! BTW, it was about 22 degrees w/ a windchill of -12.
I will agree though, you get used to the clod after 2 weeks of it. No wind yesterday and it felt like Spring was here!

sea goblin

Hey, all of you guys should just feel happy that none of the scientists from the arctic are here. They would shoot down your claims for worst weather in a second. :p
Sea Goblin

chef jaysen

Florida is the funniest place in the world. The past weekend the weather was supposed to dip into the upper 30's low 40's and the govener put us on a state of emergency......hahaha..I love florida... But I will say this, I have been here so long that 50 here is freezing........I hate it when I have to dig through the closet and find my one pair of pants..........lol:D