
As of late, I have gotten my beautiful Oscar a new home and am very proud of how well he is doing and how the tank looks, so naturally I want to show it off a little. I want to show everyone how he looks and maybe get any feedback or stories anyone would want to give on Oscars they've had. While I realize this is not a sw tank, OT is always put in the title, so no one has to look if they don't want to. But still, almost everything I write gets closed. I opened the new thread because I had a feeling the old one was going to get closed too. I know this is a sw board, but I just want to show off my new tank and my favorite fish to some people I consider to be almost friends because I'm very proud of him and the tank. I'm not complaining, but I do believe that my posts have been treated unfairly.


My friend used to have an Oscar in a 10 gal. He was so huge that I believe he can't even turn around. I heard they will take a bite of your fingers if you put your hand in for some reason like cleaning and stuffs. Is this true?? Are they really this cruel?? Or they just bite whatever they see??
I personally want to take a look at yours. It sure sounds interesting.
I have some pictures of him and his new buddies not too much further down on this page, though the thread is closed. I strongly believe that keeping an Oscar in a 10 gallon for longer than a month after birth is cruel. Mine was in a 20 until I could afford a bigger tank and is now in a 75. He's my favorite fish. Here's a picture.


Nice fish.
I consider that not to cruel already. My other friend has a 33 SW and he once has 10 fish including 3 tangs. The fish are far worse than living in the LFS IMO. Not a surprise, the fish outgrew the tank and he has to sell them all out. He then got a racoon butterfly I believe. Yah, also put it in the 33. A few weeks later, sell it back to another LFS and got a lemon peel angel. Okay, this time more acceptable in a 33. He simply just has no love to all his fish if not all the fish in the ocean. He never do any research. He usually listens to the LFS and I've already said in some other post. LFS are a$$. It's all about money. They don't care about anything as long as you keep coming back to them. That's what I think it's quite sad.


Staff member
Jillian, its great that you are involved with both the FW and SW hobby, and, while its fine to talk about your FW tank occasionally, we generally have to keep in mind that this is a SW discussion board, not a FW discussion board. There are plenty of FW discussion boards out there, but this is not one of them. There's just been a lot of Oscar tank discussions by you lately, and, at this point, while we hope all goes well with Oscar and your FW hobby, we'd appreciate your sticking to the SW related component of your hobby experiences.
Don't take this the wrong way, but our responsibility here as mods is to keep the BB focused on the SW hobby.
Thanks for understanding.