Other Fish???


New Member
I have a 55 gallon tank that i had planned a reef setup in. however as i get farther in i am relaizing i just dont really want the troubles in my wallet! so here is my question...
i have
1 bicolor angel
1 percula clown
1 bicolor blenny
1 green chromis
1 yellow tang
2 yellow tail damsels
several hermits a lettuce nudi
and several polyps of which i got from a piece of the aquacultured multi-rock here on the sight!
and roughly 60 pounds of LR
would it be alright to incorporate a puffer of any sort (any recomendations anyone) or perhaps a fuzzy dwarf lion in with this tank to make it more of a semi-agressive FOWLR? :happyfish


Active Member
im not an expert but id say your overstoked....and IMO that yellow tang will need a bigger tank even though some people say they can live in that size tank.


My understanding is that you should never have a Puffer in a tank less than 100 gallons. They are voracious eaters and very competitive for the food. In that regard, they also have heavy "output" shall we say, lots of nitrogen in the tank from an unending appetite.
I've wanted a Puffer from the beginning. But I won't put him in my 92 gallon, too small.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sorcha
My understanding is that you should never have a Puffer in a tank less than 100 gallons. They are voracious eaters and very competitive for the food. In that regard, they also have heavy "output" shall we say, lots of nitrogen in the tank from an unending appetite.
I've wanted a Puffer from the beginning. But I won't put him in my 92 gallon, too small.

i dont think a valentini puffer needs that much room


New Member
yes i have heard the same on the puffers so i was just doing a double check and i am only housing the tang until she gets larger! but it is quite funny how my tang and angel have buddied up swimming about and so does anyone have a tang/angel relationship?


We bought a Coral Beauty and a Yellow Tang at the same time. Wow - the Coral Beauty is an incredible looking fish, from the glimpses we got of her anyway. She hid in the rock and wouldn't eat and was gone in 3 or 4 days.

But the time they had together in the tank, they definitely stuck together now that you mention it. I thought it was because they were introduced at the same time, but this is interesting.
When my husband talked to a guy in NYC who knows alot, he said it was a mistake to introduce them at the same time because they share the same diet. That the CB's are difficult to get eating and it wouldn't be able to compete with the YT. But that if we'd been able to get it eating it's a good/easy fish to care for.


Ummmmm, if you want fish for a more aggressive FOWLR community, you need to get a larger tank. At least a 75 gallon if not larger. Your 55 is already overstocked just with the yellow tang, too.