other things clowns will host in?


New Member
hey all,
i'm curious as to what other people have had their clown fish host in - hammer coral, frogspawn, etc.?
my tank hasn't been set up for too long and i don't have halides, so i will not be getting an anemone any time soon.
i've read where some people have had luck w/their clowns in things besides anenomes and was hoping people will discuss that in this thread.
They will host in frogspawn, hammer, tongue, hairy mushrooms, leathers, etc.. There are alot of coral's that a clown will host in!!


Active Member
I have heard of them hosting in just about any softer coral. GSP's, hammer, ricordia mushrooms, ect.
Mine actually hosted in my open brain coral!!
What they will host in totally varies and there is no way to predict what they will do. Just get corals you like and hope for the best!
Kudos to you for knowing that you can't house anemones in your system!


Active Member
clowns will host ANYTHING. I had a clown that hosted the bottom corner of my tank... he wouldn't budge from there at all! My clowns used to host my frogspawn, but then I got rid of it so now they host my cat eye.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 30-xtra high
lol, they host suction cups somtimes.

..and powerheads.
My clowns host feather dusters


My Clarkii clowns will host my Flower pot coral when there is no anemone in the tank. I have tried keeping BTA's in my main tank but have thus far not been successful due to not enough lighting I guess. (I thought 3.9 watts per gallon of T-5 VHO lights would be enough for a BTA.) I also have a frogspawn, but my Flowerpot coral is #1 with my clowns.