Our 150 Gallon Live Webcam


We have just started our third tank (first in our new house) and have setup a live webcam feed of it's life. We've started it on Jan 6th, 2006 and as you can see it's still cycling.
Anyhow, I thought I would post the web link in case anyone wants to follow our progress.
If this is not the right forum, I apologize -- I figured webcam is semi-photography.


Good Luck....can't wait to see what you getting in there....

By the way don't run

, you are on camera~~~


Active Member
Originally Posted by jhebi
Good Luck....can't wait to see what you getting in there....

By the way don't run

, you are on camera~~~



thats very cool what are u going to put in there imo triggers cant wait to see fish on web cam great way to show progress and get help trouble shooting once again awsome


Originally Posted by Haakon
Nice Fish Cam. Waiting to see some fish. What is the ETA?
We are hoping in about three weeks we will be ready for the water change and the first inhabitants. The ammonia spiked and we already have nitrates present, so we might get lucky for a quick cycle.


Originally Posted by tjake68
thats very cool what are u going to put in there imo triggers cant wait to see fish on web cam great way to show progress and get help trouble shooting once again awsome

We're probably going to go with a couple clowns, hippo tang, gobies and a stars and stripes puffer (he'll be the last so he doesn't think the tank is all his. ;) )
Thanks for the kind comments, it was fun to setup -- I just wish I could get it to focus on the tank a bit better when the VHO's are on -- I will have to work on that.


I love it. I have been thinking about doing something like this. Can you tell me how this is done? What hardware and software did you use?
May I suggest that you zoom in or move the camera a little closer to the tank? Even if you can not get the whole tank in, it would be nice to see the fish closer (when they are in there)



Originally Posted by PhoenixFla
I love it. I have been thinking about doing something like this. Can you tell me how this is done? What hardware and software did you use?
May I suggest that you zoom in or move the camera a little closer to the tank? Even if you can not get the whole tank in, it would be nice to see the fish closer (when they are in there)
Yeah, I will have to see if I can move the camera a little closer. As far as how we are doing it, we have a Mac-mini with an iSight camera. We're using the evoCam software.
If you have a Windows machine, you can use any USB Webcam with the WebcamXP software to do the same thing.
We have had a lot of fun with it, but have had to catch ourselves sometimes walking around early in morning.. lol


From my under standing it only refreshes every three minutes, right? can it be made in shorter intervals or made to run at a constant?


Originally Posted by liquidonyx
From my under standing it only refreshes every three minutes, right? can it be made in shorter intervals or made to run at a constant?
Sure, I could have it upload every 30 seconds if I wanted. It does have a streaming option, but the bandwidth at our house wouldn't support many users. Plus, it's kind of crummy, but the streaming is like 1 frame per second. I think it has something to do with the fact that I am using a low-end mac computer.


Originally Posted by Shu-perman
Great idea...how long til the cycle is complete????
According to our water tests (had them tested by the LFS too) it's complete. There haven't been any nitrItes or ammonia in a week and nitrAtes are relatively low.
We changed out the water today (did a huge water change ~60 gallons). So I think we are ready to go. Planted the Callepera(sp?) in the sump and the water levels look perfect.


I've updated some things and have added real time streaming video now. I think I figured out a way to stream the video without consuming all of our bandwidth at home. I'll be curious to see if you guys can see the steraming video.
I'm open to comments -- and thank you all for your kind feedback!


Just gave it a shot, but it didn't work for me. The quicktime logo came up and looked like it was loading, but after a few seconds it stopped. The logo said 10060...nected. I have no idea what that means. It could just be my computer (although I'm pretty sure I've used quicktime before). It could be nothing but I thought I'd let you know. I'll check from my work computer tomorrow, but right now its bed time


Yep.. They are definitely fighting... :scared:
If you have any recordings of the web cast, you can look back at 12:00PM MST forward and you will see them fighting...
This was a screen cap and isn't really all that helpful...