Our 29 Biocube and story


Active Member
it looks fantastic man! that baby is gonna be lucky to have a dad like you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats man!


I wana be a kid again and you can be my other dad!!!! I wish I had a sweet room like that as a child!

Very nice setup though! great parenting skills!!!


would it be bad to push him into a marine biologist course of study??? Then my wife and I could follow him to where he studies and retire on a tropical island or such.


Active Member
well idk. it he might to study it himself with out you pushing him. as he sees the aquariums, his room, snorkeling, the reefs, as he grows up im pretty sure hi will end up liking it lots! and wanna end up studing it.
i found out i wanted to major in Marine science when i enterd my LFS for the first time. the way the reefs, fish, inverts all depend on one another is amazing! i was like i wanna study and learn about this all my life!


Originally Posted by nissan577
well idk. it he might to study it himself with out you pushing him. as he sees the aquariums, his room, snorkeling, the reefs, as he grows up im pretty sure hi will end up liking it lots! and wanna end up studing it.
i found out i wanted to major in Marine science when i enterd my LFS for the first time. the way the reefs, fish, inverts all depend on one another is amazing! i was like i wanna study and learn about this all my life!
cool, and good for you, I wish I started sooner!!


Originally Posted by catfishcity
in the last picture of post 671 what is that thing because i have those to. oh by the way i love your tank!
It is some type of snail, good for the tank and usualyy sits on my back wall. There are some in the refugium too.


Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
You son is one lucky boy, i would of killed for a room like that... You sure are a cool dad.. Wanna adopt a 26year old? lol
Are you house broken??
j/k, anytime nano, we have another room available.
Originally Posted by redsea

tank looks great!
thx red sea, appreciate the compliment!