Our 55 Gallon Fish Only Tank (New to the Hobby)


Hello everyone,
We are new to the marine tank (or fish tank in general) scene. We have been using this website as a guide and so far it has proven to be worth it's weight in gold. Just wanted to share with everyone our tank and how it is coming along as well as it's history and backstory.
The tank as well as some equipment, substrate, a few filters and some fake plants came from my Boss who was getting out of the hobby. He had kept a freshwater tank for years and then after moving never set it back up. Here is a quick snapshot of what the tank looked like after we first got it plus a few things.
We used his Magnum hang on canister and the original lights he was using to start off with. We replaced the substrate with some live sand and some crushed florida coral. We also used the old rocks he had in his tank but added a protein skimmer and a whisper "waterfall" filter.

After discovering the power of the internet and all the knowledge to be found we have since developed it a bit more. We added about 7lbs of live rock and 2 Koralia 2 powerheads. We also purchased a new stand/canopy and setup a better light system. We have a 50/50 and a 10,000k bulb as well as some moonlight. We have a total of 3 fish (2 x Domino Damsels and 1 Blue Devil Damsel) so far since the tank is almost done with it's first cycle. Being new to the hobby we didnt fully realize the cycling process or we would have waited to add the fish but they seem to be doing well and we know better for next time. We also have 13 x Blue legged hermits who are very tiny.
Here's an updated image before the new canopy and the 2nd power head were added.

and the moonlights, canopy, new powerhead etc - sorry for the crappy picture! I had no idea it was so hard to take pictures in the dark.

Any suggestions are welcome! We have a wet/dry that we have yet to setup but plan to very shortly. I'm not sure if it can replace both the canister and the waterfall or what but we are excitied to get it going. We plan to keep it a FO tank until we can afford some of the higher end lighting and become more acclimated to the hobby. No reason for any coral to suffer during our learning process :) We really want to get a lot more live rock but thats an exspensive wish and will take time.
If I were you if thats Crushed Coral substrate you would want to change it Aragonite sand, reason being is that the food you feed your fish will get in the substrate and will turn into Nitrate and when the substrate is stirred it will kick up all that Nitrates into your tank and might kill a few things.
Easy said just change your Crushed Coral to Live Sand preferably Aragonite if I were you. CC is a Nitrate factory


Great tip, I'll definately do that.
We are currently using the new canopy but need to move the tank to the new stand in order for them to match (new one is cherry, old stand was pine) - We ended up getting a free tank that was brand new and therefore less wear that we plan to switch everything over to. When we do that in the upcoming weeks we will definately be going pure live sand. We want to be able to get a goby eventually. The left side of the tank has 20 lbs of live sand at the moment. Right side is all CC.
Is there a difference between Aragonite sand and live sand?
Well im not really a pro but I use the knowledge I learned from the site.
But I think that the Aragonite is a better Ph buffer and it is alot better for many type of inverts and fish and alot more affective in many ways.
Haha easy saying ITS JUST BETTER
Oh and live sand is just sand that has bacteria in it
Caribsea ive heard is the best "Live Sand" because it comes with water in it already and you might want to check the expiration date on it because if its expired you'll have ALOT of die off and most of the bacteria is gone or at least most of it


We have a bad of Caribsea live sand but it seems to be pretty dry. I'll check the exp date on it just in case. If it has expired does that just mean the bacteria is no longer there? and we can still use it as regular old sand?

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rune
We have a bad of Caribsea live sand but it seems to be pretty dry. I'll check the exp date on it just in case. If it has expired does that just mean the bacteria is no longer there? and we can still use it as regular old sand?
ya live sand isent really that live any way. the only way to get realy live sand is to get it from a old tank that has been set up for awhile. and CC isent THAT bad for a FO tank. as long as you syphon it every week or every other week.
Well I think that if it has expired, that means that most of the bacteria has died already but it still has some trace of bacteria. But yea you can still use it, I think.
Keep us updated on what you do new, kind of like a diary


Active Member
I like the crushed coral. I use it, never had a problem with it, looks good. Its an ongoing debate with what to use, but don't tear the tank down just to change the substrate. Keep it and change it when you do a tank tear down eventually if you want to. If you do live sand, make sure you dechlorinate the water first.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rune
Damsels will kill other fish? Thought they would just argue with other damsels.
NOPE!!! once you start to add other fish they will start beating them up no watter what size. trust me you dont want them in your tank. atleast every other week there is a thread here saying i cant get my damsels out cause all my rock and they are kill my other fish.
Take em out for the sake of your new fish, theyll set up there territory and will defend it till death. But hey good luck with your tank, I got a 55 also and think im making it a reef


Well the tank is moving along slowly. We actually haven't made any changes to it since I posted last. We are on Week 4 or so and have run into an algae problem. I am assuming that's normal, especially since we are using tap water. (An RO filter is in the budget for the near future.)
Here is a picture. If anyone can help assure us that it's just normal everyday algae and nothing to be concerned about, I would be grateful.

We are kind of at a stand still. We know what we want and we are willing to be patient but we also want to take the health of all fish involved into consideration. It would be cool to have clowns, but is the tank ready? Also need to consider what we would do with the damsels. Update: Just talked to the store we purchased them from, said they would take them back for store credit *yay* I just hope they end up in a good new home.
I can post the water params later but at the moment I am at work.
Also, since we would like to get a clown we would also like to eventually try having an anemone. Is our current light structure enough for it? or would we need to wait until we got VHOs or MH. And is there any harm in having too much flow? The wet/dry produces a pretty powerful current.
We also ran into a problem with the protein skimmer. It wont fit on the back of the tank with the new canopy due to the height of the skimmer. It also won't fit in the wet/dry because of the water level.
yeah domino damsels are the most aggressive of any commonly found damsel. They are NASTY and they get HUGE. We have 2 at work (petland) that are the size of my hand! And I'm 6'2'' Im a big guy.


We saw some at our LFS the other day. Like you said, thing was huge! Was crazy to think of our cute little guys turning into something so big. We are going to give them back. Kinda sad about it though, They were our first fish.


Well, we started over and are now in the cycle process. Here is the history.
We returned the damsels to the fish store and kept the crabs. In the process of trying to move everything over to the brand new tank and new stand it would be easier to just start over. We took our hospital tank, a 29 gallon, and moved the 2 small pieces of live rock as well as the hermits over with some of the water. Then we drained the rest and put the crushed coral substrate to the side.
We put up the new tank, mixed new water, and got a great deal on live sand from the fish store. We also picked up alot (and I mean ALOT) of the sand and plan to do a much deeper sand bed once we pick up the rest of our rock. We were also able to get a great deal on some "born again live rock" - I call it that cause it was shipped dry and then seeded at the fish store. It's not ideal but it's beautiful structure wise and dirt cheap. I am going to pick up the rest of it today.
We are using the shrimp method to cycle this time around. The only problem we are running into is we ended up getting a fresh Mayport shrimp from the grocery store. These guys are huge and it is looking pretty gross in the tank. It's puffed up to about twice it's normal size. This is day 4 after shrimp placement and we have seen a big boost of copepods. We have been shinning a flash light in the tank to see how many we can find. It's neat to watch them swarm to the light. Monitoring every stat and so far no ammonia is registering. We are suposed to remove the shrimp as soon as the ammonia spikes correct?
I'll post a picture tonight. I am curious what everyone thinks of aquascape. Thank you guys for answering all my questions in the past. You all have saved us from a lot of headache and made this hobby enjoyable!
Tank Info

Size: 55 Gallon
Filtration: wet/dry with bio-balls
Movement: Koralia 2 powerheads
Rock: 45 pounds of live rock (so far)
Sand: 40 lbs of live sand (so far)
Livestock Wish List (so far)
We want a community tank

Mated pair of perc clowns
1 Yellowhead Jawfish


I got a 56 Gal tank yesterday, I havent put anything in it yet, I am off today to get the salt mix and Filter and Heater. What wattage of heater do you have? I am just going to get a filter that hangs off the back for now, all i can afford at the moment. I am going to get live sand as soon as my water is ready for it. 40lbs should be good right?? Thats what you got? Sounds like you got a good deal on the Live rock, It is expensive here, $9 a pound.


We got another 40 lbs of live rock. I think we may have too much live rock now! but it looks neat none the less. Nearing the end of our first week and we havent even registered on the ammonia scale. The live rock is all cured (shipped dry and then seeded) so the guy at the LFS said we may not see much of a spike if any at all. Any suggestions? We already put a shrimp in there and it completely disentegrated!



Tested the ammonia again. Still nothing. C'mon on cycle! yes, yes, I know I have to be patient.