Hello everyone,
We are new to the marine tank (or fish tank in general) scene. We have been using this website as a guide and so far it has proven to be worth it's weight in gold. Just wanted to share with everyone our tank and how it is coming along as well as it's history and backstory.
The tank as well as some equipment, substrate, a few filters and some fake plants came from my Boss who was getting out of the hobby. He had kept a freshwater tank for years and then after moving never set it back up. Here is a quick snapshot of what the tank looked like after we first got it plus a few things.
We used his Magnum hang on canister and the original lights he was using to start off with. We replaced the substrate with some live sand and some crushed florida coral. We also used the old rocks he had in his tank but added a protein skimmer and a whisper "waterfall" filter.
After discovering the power of the internet and all the knowledge to be found we have since developed it a bit more. We added about 7lbs of live rock and 2 Koralia 2 powerheads. We also purchased a new stand/canopy and setup a better light system. We have a 50/50 and a 10,000k bulb as well as some moonlight. We have a total of 3 fish (2 x Domino Damsels and 1 Blue Devil Damsel) so far since the tank is almost done with it's first cycle. Being new to the hobby we didnt fully realize the cycling process or we would have waited to add the fish but they seem to be doing well and we know better for next time. We also have 13 x Blue legged hermits who are very tiny.
Here's an updated image before the new canopy and the 2nd power head were added.
and the moonlights, canopy, new powerhead etc - sorry for the crappy picture! I had no idea it was so hard to take pictures in the dark.
Any suggestions are welcome! We have a wet/dry that we have yet to setup but plan to very shortly. I'm not sure if it can replace both the canister and the waterfall or what but we are excitied to get it going. We plan to keep it a FO tank until we can afford some of the higher end lighting and become more acclimated to the hobby. No reason for any coral to suffer during our learning process
We really want to get a lot more live rock but thats an exspensive wish and will take time.
We are new to the marine tank (or fish tank in general) scene. We have been using this website as a guide and so far it has proven to be worth it's weight in gold. Just wanted to share with everyone our tank and how it is coming along as well as it's history and backstory.
The tank as well as some equipment, substrate, a few filters and some fake plants came from my Boss who was getting out of the hobby. He had kept a freshwater tank for years and then after moving never set it back up. Here is a quick snapshot of what the tank looked like after we first got it plus a few things.
We used his Magnum hang on canister and the original lights he was using to start off with. We replaced the substrate with some live sand and some crushed florida coral. We also used the old rocks he had in his tank but added a protein skimmer and a whisper "waterfall" filter.
After discovering the power of the internet and all the knowledge to be found we have since developed it a bit more. We added about 7lbs of live rock and 2 Koralia 2 powerheads. We also purchased a new stand/canopy and setup a better light system. We have a 50/50 and a 10,000k bulb as well as some moonlight. We have a total of 3 fish (2 x Domino Damsels and 1 Blue Devil Damsel) so far since the tank is almost done with it's first cycle. Being new to the hobby we didnt fully realize the cycling process or we would have waited to add the fish but they seem to be doing well and we know better for next time. We also have 13 x Blue legged hermits who are very tiny.
Here's an updated image before the new canopy and the 2nd power head were added.
and the moonlights, canopy, new powerhead etc - sorry for the crappy picture! I had no idea it was so hard to take pictures in the dark.
Any suggestions are welcome! We have a wet/dry that we have yet to setup but plan to very shortly. I'm not sure if it can replace both the canister and the waterfall or what but we are excitied to get it going. We plan to keep it a FO tank until we can afford some of the higher end lighting and become more acclimated to the hobby. No reason for any coral to suffer during our learning process