Our 55 Gallon Fish Only Tank (New to the Hobby)

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Nice looking tank Rune,and might i say thats some pretty nice looking rock.Cant wait to see what its gonna look like all covered in pink and purple.


Active Member
keep up the good work

great progress ...
i agree with Veni ... that looks like some very nice LR


Active Member
Nice. I don't think you have too much rock the scape is great. The rock looks very clean to me. At this point I agree with the LFS that you won't see much of a cycle because it looks to me like you don't have much to cause a cycle. The shrimp was a good thing. You could probably put about a half dozen more small ones in a nylon stocking in there to really get the cycled started.
Let's see what others say.


Some of the older pieces (we had about half of it in the tank for an extra week) are now getting some of the brown powder that you see in the pictures earlier in the thread. It's interesting how the powder is only sticking to the aged rocks. It looks funny, as the newer rocks are stark white in comparison, but it's a good sign right?


Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech
Take em out for the sake of your new fish, theyll set up there territory and will defend it till death. But hey good luck with your tank, I got a 55 also and think im making it a reef
not all damsels are like this tho there are a few you can buy that are not like humbugs for exmaple.
blue-green reef fish "chromis viridis" are relatively social.
but they would be best to have as a community tank fish.
they only growto 6.5cm 2 1/2 in.
so they not big fish.
make sure you dont get any other damsel tho if you are to swap and that you like damsels.


Originally Posted by Aquatica-Tech
If I were you if thats Crushed Coral substrate you would want to change it Aragonite sand, reason being is that the food you feed your fish will get in the substrate and will turn into Nitrate and when the substrate is stirred it will kick up all that Nitrates into your tank and might kill a few things.
Easy said just change your Crushed Coral to Live Sand preferably Aragonite if I were you. CC is a Nitrate factory
i do and do not agree with this.
one i do not agree with changing your CC.
i use CC and its great to have easy for the fish to dig into.
other thing is "your ment to watch your food get eaten by fish do noty over feed under feed in sections" what imeen by that is put like a few crums of flakes (if you use flakes) at a time and dont put ny more in till they are all eaten or the fish dont want to eat.
then once fish has finished eating clear up the the food with a net get like a close hole net so parts wont escape.
im not saying youll get all parts or see where all parts are but in reallity your ment to sit and watch them eat.... a bit like a 1 year old style of watch lol
but a beautifull tank you have changed it a lot from 1st pic.
how long have you had it up now?


Originally Posted by dse
not all damsels are like this tho there are a few you can buy that are not like humbugs for exmaple.
blue-green reef fish "chromis viridis" are relatively social.
but they would be best to have as a community tank fish.
they only growto 6.5cm 2 /12 in.
so they not big fish.
make sure you dont get any other damsel tho if you are to swap and that you like damsels.
I know that there are some damsels that are friendly but I think we may stick to our fish plan. We don't want to over crowd the tank and there are several other fish that we want to get.


Originally Posted by Rune
We got another 40 lbs of live rock. I think we may have too much live rock now! but it looks neat none the less. Nearing the end of our first week and we havent even registered on the ammonia scale. The live rock is all cured (shipped dry and then seeded) so the guy at the LFS said we may not see much of a spike if any at all. Any suggestions? We already put a shrimp in there and it completely disentegrated!

The stand is definitely an improvement from the last...congrats and keep up the good job!


Thank you for the encouragement! Still no ammonia spike. At this point I have no idea when it will be safe to add a fish. I was waiting for that spike to signal the cycle. Guess we will wait another week or two and keep testing.


I just realized that the tank has been "cycling" for almost 2 weeks now with no ammonia spike. That was even after leaving a huge mayport shrimp in it which sort of dissolved. Water params look good and we have tested it pretty much daily. When do you know it is officially cycled if you never saw the spike? Is there a set amount of time to wait and consider?


Take some water to your LFS and have them test it...your test could be faulty.
What is the first fish you are going to add? If it is a hardy one I would tell you go for it. What about some inverts to keep you going in the mean time...they usually can handle rougher H20 conditions (i.e. crabs, snails, shrimps)


We want to add a mated pair of clowns and we don't mind waiting if needed. We are just excited and hope to be able to monitor the progress. We do have some hermits but won't an ammonia spike hurt them if it does finally cycle?
We also have some live rock and crushed coral in a small established tank we could possibly put in the sump area if you think that would help with the cycling process.


Originally Posted by Rune
I just realized that the tank has been "cycling" for almost 2 weeks now with no ammonia spike. That was even after leaving a huge mayport shrimp in it which sort of dissolved. Water params look good and we have tested it pretty much daily. When do you know it is officially cycled if you never saw the spike? Is there a set amount of time to wait and consider?
it takes about 40 days in averge for the cycle to compleate..
that being said you can still get spikes after that.
it takes about 60 days too for filter to mature.
but i agree on last comment go to your lfs and ask them to test it.
you sure you have salt water test kit too?..
if you do have SW test kit and the lfs reads a comleate different reading take back the kit.
(also you doing what the insrtucts you to do?)


Your rock looks great. What type is it ?You're doing it right nice and slow.You will have to put something in to start the cycle like some fresh shrimp or some put fish food in.


Originally Posted by jessed244
I got a 56 Gal tank yesterday, I havent put anything in it yet, I am off today to get the salt mix and Filter and Heater. What wattage of heater do you have? I am just going to get a filter that hangs off the back for now, all i can afford at the moment. I am going to get live sand as soon as my water is ready for it. 40lbs should be good right?? Thats what you got? Sounds like you got a good deal on the Live rock, It is expensive here, $9 a pound.
Hi Jesse, sorry I missed your questions! In total we have about 75-80 lbs of LR and about 80 lbs of live sand. We wanted a deep sand bed, but 40 lbs is really all that's needed. We went for the deep sand bed because of the goby & jawfish we want. I'm not sure on the heater, I'm at work right now. And I think the reason that our LR was so cheap was because it didn't have much in the way of algae growth (it was shipped dry).
Best wishes for your tank! It's a lot of fun, just take it nice and slow. We've been working on this since January and still are working towards our first keeper fish (damsels don't count).


Thanks for the responses everyone. We still havent seen an ammonia spike and we monitor it every other day. We are seeing a major diatom bloom though.

We went ahead and added out 13 hermits and 1 turbo. He seems pretty happy. We will expand the cleaning crew as the tank grows. Plans for tomorrow is to pick up our clowns if all goes well!