Our Nuvo 8


Active Member
Guess who's got two thumbs and is super proud of his wife??? This guy!!
She texted me when she was out and about today, saying that she was by our LFS. She wanted to know if I needed anything, I said that I did not. She seemed a little disappointed, so I mentioned that she could use an emerald crab for her little tank. She then got super excited.
She called me about an hour later asking how she should put him in the tank. I walked her thru the drip acclimation method and she seemed comfortable.
The little guy is just a few more minutes away from being introduced to the tank. I am so proud of her. Way to go baby!!!
She really seems to like this little tank. Just wait until she can start adding a bunch of corals.
Just though I would share.


Active Member
Good job on the long sell. LOL
My BF is still a ways out. While he enjoys coming to the LFS with me and picking things out, he interest stop there. He WILL NOT put a hand in a tank, or even feed the fish. He will watch the tanks and he does enjoy new additions.
I am in charge of all water changes, problem solving, and maintenance. I make him help though. ;)
Cute little tank. I am curious to see how "low light" of critters you can put in this little guy... Low enough for some hearty sponges, perhaps?
Good luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by rlablan http:///t/392278/our-nuvo-8#post_3485337
Good job on the long sell. LOL
My BF is still a ways out. While he enjoys coming to the LFS with me and picking things out, he interest stop there. He WILL NOT put a hand in a tank, or even feed the fish. He will watch the tanks and he does enjoy new additions.
I am in charge of all water changes, problem solving, and maintenance. I make him help though. ;)
Cute little tank. I am curious to see how "low light" of critters you can put in this little guy... Low enough for some hearty sponges, perhaps?
Good luck!
Thanks... Ask my wife how she likes her MiniVan. LOL She swore up and down that she would never drive one... Now... She loves it. Had to get leather seats and the 2 DVD players for the kiddos to make it happen though.. I guess she has some powers too. LOL.
So far I have a Torch, Xenia, and some Zoa's and every thing seems to be doing okay. I will post here with any new additions. Oh and an emerald crab.


Active Member
Sweet! Curious to see how it goes...
I cant ever do a mini van. I am way too much of a car buff. That'll never happen. Long sell or not.


Active Member
I am not the niggest kid fan, i wouldn't want more than 2 and even that is a stretch... So I feel like... why a minivan? why not an SUV, or a really big car like an Audi A8L or something like the bmw X1, or the GT thing... it's fast, sporty and roomy... enough room for car seats and no one has to be embarrassed to ride in it


Active Member
Originally Posted by rlablan http:///t/392278/our-nuvo-8#post_3487462
I am not the niggest kid fan, i wouldn't want more than 2 and even that is a stretch... So I feel like... why a minivan? why not an SUV, or a really big car like an Audi A8L or something like the bmw X1, or the GT thing... it's fast, sporty and roomy... enough room for car seats and no one has to be embarrassed to ride in it
true to this.... I am not a mini van guy, at all. We have a jeep liberty that we travel in and it works out very nicely.
Now we did rent a caravan when we drove down to Florida and thank god for stow and go! Hahahaaaa.
We had to rent a van because we had 3 adults and 3 kids. To much for the liberty. I'm all for for the BMW X1!!!


Active Member
I'm super excited about the X1... saw one in person about a month ago at the BMW performance driving school in Spartanburg, SC. Super cool looking :) Wish I could have driven it...
Yeah, sometimes the SUVs just can't do what the vans can do. If it serves your needs, then more power, ya know? I guess the minivans do get better gas mileage, maybe? I personally would strap kids or adults to the roof of an SUV before the van thing. bahahahahahha


Active Member
Fine... I'll bite. I'll let you wind surf my SUV with a dog if you can get people to notice that I have an apparently uninteresting thread all to myself over in Reef tanks... sheesh... Talk about a no go.
I figured the little face conveyed the fact that I'm always up for a stunt, adventure or otherwise ridiculous activity. :))


Active Member
Originally Posted by rlablan http:///t/392278/our-nuvo-8#post_3487746
Fine... I'll bite. I'll let you wind surf my SUV with a dog if you can get people to notice that I have an apparently uninteresting thread all to myself over in Reef tanks... sheesh... Talk about a no go.
I figured the little face conveyed the fact that I'm always up for a stunt, adventure or otherwise ridiculous activity. :))
I'm ganna have a cool Mom in my next life!!


Active Member
Any updates? I am trying to stave off the itch to start a pico tank... I have the perfect spot and I really want to put a teenie tiny reef together... I need to live through you so I don't have to set up a tank!!!