Our Reef! It's not much but its ours and we love it!


Active Member
nope no blasto. only have seen it once in this area and by the time i got to the store it was gone. oh well


Active Member
The anemone is a purple LTA
Nope not beagle fish. Especially considering the fact that they and basset hounds


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
Nice pics! I especially like the Trachyphyllia sp. and the Blastomussa sp.
the sad part is that i have no idea which ones your talking about. lol never did get into the scientific names of stuff

nm reef

Active Member
Very impressive pics of a clean and well maintained tank! I'm curious about the camera you use...the pics are outstanding...


Active Member
It is a 3.3 MP HP camera with a 46 MM telephoto macro lens. Today you can by it for really cheap. Under 300 bucks but when I got it several years ago when Digital first started coming out it was the highest MP I could find. Back then I think it was 650.
The key to this camera is the SIZE of the lens. All the digitals you get today have these pin hole size lenses and they really can’t grab a pic like a bigger lens can. There are WAY better cameras out there then this one now but we are really happy how well this one stands up to much more current models. A lot of the new models only have digital zoom which bites big time. If you notice that lets say you can take 10 pics with your camera all the way zoomed out. Then you zoom in one time digital. Now you can take 30 pics. This IS NOT because the picture quality is getting better. The more you zoom the more pics you can take and the worse the pics get. You want a camera with at least 5 times OPTICAL zoom. The model I use has 10 optical and 12 zoom. Digital zoom is basically worthless IMO
The next thing is HOW you take your pics. With digital photo you MUST remain VERY still. I use the same tactic I use when at the gun range. BREATH IN BREATH OUT. BREATH IN AND HOLD 1.2.3 shoot. Sounds dumb but it works.
Personally I think my pics are ok but they could be TONS better with better equipment.
I'm sure that way more info then you wanted but you got it anyhow lol
Thanks for your interest and compliments


Active Member
Here is a fun idea for you to try if you have not already.
Buy a fresnel lens at least 4x in power you can see one.
I think that link is ok. very sorry if its not.
Tape it up to your tank then take picture through that.
Also put you face right up against it and you will feel as if yout inside you tank. It makes it look VERY deep and almost 3D like. you will see some amazing stuff you never saw before. if you have ever used a magnifing glass on you tank that is nothing compared to using these lenses.
you can find them in all size and shapes but they can get REALLY high up in cost. a basic 8x11 Fresnel 4x lense should be around 5 bucks at a local old people store lol. Be sure to get atleast 4x


Active Member
awesome anemone. Its so funny how tanks look different in pics, like yours looks smaller then a 75 because theres no like full tank pics with surroundings around it, and then some peoples tanks are like 29 gallons and they look like they 60 in the pic, so weird lol. Your tank looks great and all your coral are awesome!