Our tanks.


We have a 29 High, and a 20 long.
The 20 long is a invert tank, it has some bubble coral, featherdusters, and other small creatures growing in the live rock. (Got lucky, all that stuff was in the liverock)
It has a 10,000k Daylight, and 03 blue true actinic 14watt lights, the T5 by Coralife.
It has a mechanical waterfall filter, and a Skilter 250 Power Filter, and an undergravel filter, with a powerhead.
The 20 long has been up for a little over a week now, and it's already growing that beautifull purple algea on the live rock.
These pictures don't do it justice.

Live rock is always being added, had to send some to the other tank to feed the lawnmower blenny though.
And here is the 29 High tank. This is mainly fish, and a few small blue legged crabs to help clean up.

Here is blurry pic of the Lawnmower blenny.

I borrowed a digi cam, and it doesn't focus well close up, or in low light. If you move a little the pic will be really blury. ... yep..
Any feedback is appreciated.


In the 29 high is a.
-2x Green Chromis
-1 yellow tailed Damsel
-1 Striped Damsel
-1 Lawnmower Blenny
-3x Blue legged Crabs


looking good
do you know what kind of hermit that is in the top pick. I have ten in the refugium, have been searching and no luck


LFS lady said it was just a "Normal" large hermit crab.
Here is a pic of my first FISH. In the 20 gallon tank.

It is a Mandrin Goby.


i don't think it's possible to fit 100 lbs + LR in a 20 gallon. correct me if i'm wrong, but you need PODS to feed your mandarin. or it'll starve.. to death


you might wanna think about trading that goby on for something else he really really needs an established tank with lots and lots of lr to graze on all day long plus if you tank hasnt been running for atleast a minimum of 6 mths you probalydont have enough pods anyways


Same with the lawnmower blenny, unless you are getting him to eat food that you are putting in there. He won't survive on that amount of live rock. I have 48 pounds of live rock in my 29 gal. and my lawnmower blenny still starved to death after a while. They aren't as easy to keep as some would lead you to believe. Some people get lucky though. I didn't. That mandarin has to go though, very unlikely it will survive in that setup.


Active Member
The mandarin needs LOTS of pods every day. THere are folks on that famous auction site that will sell you pods, but you'll need a constant supply. You may consider returning him.


We supply them with store bought seaweed strips, and I grow live brine shrimp. In a seperate tank.
Our Blenny is in love with the Goby, they hang out with each other all day.
The Mandrin Goby is fun to watch eat, its mouth elongates and becomes translucent.


The hermit is a striped hermit crab. I had one that started my whole tank. He was a hitch hiker from St Simons Island about 1.5 yrs ago. He was tiny in a big shell. They are not generally reef safe. My guy is in a 4 inch long shell right now, the shell he came in was 1.5 inches, they grow really fast. They get bigger this summer I saw one at the beach that was in a 8 inch shell with anemones all over it. It was really neat to watch. He has eaten 2 xenias and a feather duster so keep them fed. My guy gets a shrimp once a week to keep him happy. Here is a picture of him(hes in a bigger shell now!).


Active Member
I almost bought one at a LFS that had electric blue legs. He was in a shell about2-2.5 inches. THe LFS guy said he was a fish eater. Does yours ever hunt? :scared:


He has never hurt a fish or any snail or crab. Generally very peaceful, just will eat corals if he doesnt have enough food.


I have two of those, although they are not even close to being as big.
They will eat anything (except for what I dont want them to eat).
They haven't ate any featherdusters, or coral.
They will scavange all day long, and eat shrimp, and algea wafers, and seaweed sheets.
I haven't had any trouble with them nocking my liverock around, but thats what they're said to do.


Active Member
in the 1st pic it looks like there have a dead brain in there? Also you isnt a bubble coarl that is an anemone. Also one thing you might want to look at is getting rid of the undergravel fitler it will make your levels on your tank a mess and you will always have them. As far as that Mandrin Goby if you dont have a well established tank he is gongi to starve. Since you dont have the pods for him to eat. I would look at getting some pods that way he will have something to eat.


I have discouraged my crab from climbing by building the rock work very steep. I used to have a lot of problems with him knocking rock s and corals, but now he rarely climbs.


Originally Posted by Littlebuck
Also you isnt a bubble coarl that is an anemone.
As far as that Mandrin Goby if you dont have a well established tank he is gongi to starve. Since you dont have the pods for him to eat. I would look at getting some pods that way he will have something to eat.

1. I know its an Anemone. The bubble coral is growing elsewhere. (3 spawns of it now)
2. What exactly do you mean by PODS?