Originally Posted by
OK Beth, but the difference there is - Israel is a RELIGIOUS democratic state.
America is supposed to be non-denomenational. It was founded by PEOPLE who were looking for religious freedom. The fact that some of those people happened to be Christians should be irrelevant. There is a distinct seperation between church and state in America - or at least, there SHOULD be.
I take no issue with people wishing each other Merry Christmas, because again, we should all enjoy our religious freedom. But because of the fact that our constitution stipulates a strict seperation between church and state, I AM confused by the fact that there is a NATIONAL Christmas tree.
Whoa Mimzy,
You must not have know that you were swimming in right wing shark waters here. Don't let them discourage you. You're right on a very basic and fundamental point here. I'm sure I don't personally care whether there is a Christmas tree or a giant gilded elephant standing at the white house. But, ofcourse we live in a majority rule country. However that majority is always to be kept in check to keep the minority rights from being stepped on. Individuals DO have rights in our country. This would be a horrible place to live if it were a totally majority rules state and the unpopular could never have their say. Sure the non-christians could look the other way. But wouldn't it be nice if our government didn't throw it in their face? "Ha Ha we win, we say Christmas, long live Jesus Christ, because there are more of us than you!" And as far as our forefathers having set the example to follow. It's a bit conveient that we pick certain of their principles to be held as sacred, to be followed in the name of our forefathers, but not others. They were not perfect people, or gods. They drafted an ingenious document that has thus far withstood the test of time, the most important part of it being it's ability to adapt. Lets not forget that in the begining this country dutifully favored white, male, christian, wealthy landowners. It took an ammendment to give women the right to vote. That wasn't part of the our forefathers ideology. The original draft of the constitution also made several refferances in support of slavery. Far from being perfect and inclusive. But, we evolve as a country, thanks to our forefathers knowing that they didn't have it perfect and having the foresight to make the constitution malleable, much to the chagrin of many of the majority. Even during the civil rights movements, the majority of the country were unsympathetic to the woes of the minority. I'm sure we all have a couple of beliefs that don't match the majority way of thinking hidden deep in our closet of ideologies. Just thought I'd chime in and give the sharks a little food to pick at.