

This morning I went up to STAPLES as I had to pick up a copy order. Next door is *****. Being the curious individual I am I decided to walk in and see what they had in thier tanks. I'm sorry I did now. I walk over to the marine fish area and there cramped in a 10 gallon tank are approx over 2 dozen clowns of various sizes. The tank was cloduy beyond belief. Covered in brown and red algae. A good number of the fish were on thier sides gasping for air. A few were already dead and from the stage of decay you could tell they had been there a while. They had 3 tanks of clowns like this all the same. I brought it to the attention of the manager on duty she had nothing to say no explanation. If I had a bigger QT tank I would of tried to rescue some but I don't have the room. Most seemed beyond saving. How long is this pet chain store going to be allowed to carry on these practices? If they don't have experienced employees caring for thier marine tanks they should not keep these fish. I know its all about the money. But I felt really disgusted this morning. I am going to fire off a letter to headquarters not that it will do any good but will make me feel a little better.


Unfortunately, it sounds like many other *****'s. Some aren't that bad. I still haven't found one around here that I've been impressed with.
I try not to go into *****'s any more. I feel like you do about it. It's difficult to see treatment like that and not be sad, disgusted and mad.


One reason why ***** doesn't give a damn is that they don't pay for the fish unless its sold.
When it's rung up at the cash register, then they pay for that fish that the supplier has supplied them with.
Peto doesn't pay 1 cent for all the livestosk they kill.
They only pay for whats sold......They suck ! ! !


Well-Known Member
our ***** here does not carry salt fish. But the fresh look just about as bad. Additionally, the people who work there seemed to be just a ignorant.
all we can do is not buy from there.


New Member
Take heart, I'm happy to report that the one ***** store that carries marine fish in our area does an excellent job. The tanks are clean and not crowded, the fish appear to be healthy and the staff is very knowledable as they have their own saltwater acq.
But I agree, bad store are there and they should be report to the Humane Society.


I gess I shouldn't badmouth all ***** stores. Most large pet store chains have the same deal with the suppliers. Wall Mart is another one.
I've been in the FW fish arena for 20+ years. I used to tranship FW and sell to the smaller pet shops. I quit about 2 years ago because the larger whosalers started to cut prices to where it wasn't worth my time any more.
Former customers of mine have asked me to go back to selling to them because the quality of the livestock is so poor from these big whosalers.
I gess they should have thought of that before they decided to buy the cheeper stuff in the first place.
I'm done with FW, and am happy to be learning more about the SW fish.
Oh... the policy for many larger chains for stock coming in is: Float them, Release them, Sell them. (no fish should be tanked for more than 1 week [2 at most].)(Acclimation?...what's that?)


Yep...I was at ***** the other day and they had a tank full of blue damsels...probably about 10 of them. One was fighting to breath and another one was eating on him. Their 4 or 5 tanks looked pretty horrible. But on the flip side I've been to a couple of *****'s that had some pretty well maintained tanks. It's just sad that they are few and far between.


Active Member
there is a petland by my house that is alot like that... 15+ clowns in a little tank... with finding nemo stickers on the outside of it.. i even heard one guy that works there call off the fish they had like... over here we got nemos. down there we have a dori......... pretty sad.. they have a few healthy looking fish but they dont care how they house them. i have bought some reptiles from them before and they didnt do good. i refuse to buy any living thing from them again. oh yeah and you should see thier $7.00 premium live rock, its a joke.


***** in the Denver area do a great job. I have purchased a Y Tang and a large clown fish. Their tanks have always been clean.
Not the best place for information.


I am not impressed with the fish in the ***** near me, they all have ich. I remember when I worked for Petsmart, we only had fw fish but they made sure everyone of us knew a lot about the fish. It just doesn't seem that ***** cares about their livestock and how the associates should take care of them. I won't buy supplies from them anymore because of the incompetance of their people.


New Member
I was in a ***** not long ago and over half of the marine tanks had Ich. I asked the lady if the she was aware that the tanks were contaminated with Ich she said that she did not notice. I also heard a young teenager who worked there trying to sell a new aquarium setup and 10 fish to the customer at the same time. I can't believe that this kid said it was okay to add 10 fish to an uncycled tank.


Active Member
As far as I know, the only laws to protect fish from abuse and mistreatment are solely for endangered or restricted species. So apparently it is prefectly legal to kill common fish left and right without care.