Over-Aggressive Percula Clownfish!!!


New Member
Hi all!
I have had my tank set up for about 5 months, and for the whole duration, I have kept a percula clownfish. About 2 weeks ago, i had my hand in my tank, installing a new powerhead for my leather coral. This clownfish swam right to my and bit my finger. It was HARD too. it wasnt just a pinch. Does anyone have this same problem, how do i keep it from biting? I will have my hand in my tank many times in the future and I dont want it biting me everytime! Thanks in advance!!!!


New Member
My percula and Tomatoe clown do the same thing. I just live with it as the bites are only annoying. I've tried chasing them and flicking them with my finger, it has not helped.


Protecting his home. We are just landlords and they are the tenants, always wanting the best. They just haven't learn the rule, "Don't Bite the Hand that Feeds" I'd ask for permission to enter the tank, doesn't work but I'm willing to try anything once.
I had the same thing happen with my Percula. I had him for about a year before he got that way. Darn thing even attack my siphon once. He got sucked head first into the end of it. I thought that would calm him down, but it didn't. He even got to the point I couldn't introduce any new fish because he would kill them. Eventually, I took him to my LFS to give him a new habitat. I thought that would be the only way to break the cycle. Good Luck!


What else is in the tank with the perc.??? I had a trio of them and well the one would attack and even jump out at me!!!! ( the female)[most domanate one] She was just protecting her "HOME" I just would flick her with my finger..... she is still pretty mean______ . she goes after my angels,tangs, and anyone else who comes near her corner of the tank..... the males just sit by and watch////// :eek: Good thing they don't have sharp teeth..... (they are part of the damsel family)
Is there a anemone in the tank? If there is then it probally is getting over confident and trying to protect it. You could try changing the seonary(spelling??). It works with other aggressive fish maybe it will work with yours.


My tomato clown does it all the time. It doesn't hurt but scares me every time. She, at least I call her that but I don't really know, is protecting her anenome. I just consider it love bites and let go her way.


Active Member
at leats yall dont have any picasso triggers that try to protect there area. when i clean my tank and get near his cave where he sleeps at nite he lets me know he doesnt want me ther. he has hit me hard several times, even drawing blood once! mean s.o.b., but i still love him. later, bo
I have had the same problem with my percula, one of them would bite me everytime I put my hand in. He even broke skin once, like most of the others said it was more anoying than painful, eventually he grew out of it, he doesn't bother me anymore, but for a while there it was quite a pain
MY clarkie clown does it all the time. So does my pork fish ,little nibbles on the back of the hand, but I tell ya the one that nailed my gold chain on my left hand was our niger trigger WOW hes got some big teeth, now I only put in my right hand or I take of the gold.he has never done this before It must have looked yummy to him, kinda like a lure I geuss. cya

the new guy

This is too funny, just yesterday i was doing a water change and cleaning the CC and mine came up and nipped me, my wife thought it was funny it scared the crud out of me... :D