Over flow question


Im in the process of setting up my overflow system but I have run into a bit of a problem. I cannot figure out how to prime my U tube. How would I go about doing this???Any help would be very very apperciated. Also should I keep the U tube the same size(highth) on both ends of should they off set so that it is higher on one shorter on one end and longer on the other??? :help:


Active Member
Make sure both chambers in the OF are full of water. this means that both ends of the u-tube will be submerged. Place a flexible pc of tubeing in the u-tube. The end of the tubeing should be at the peak of the u-tube. Put the u-tube in place. Now suck out the air in the u-tube. The water should come up from both sides of the OF. When that happens, pinch off the end of the tubeing that you're sucking on. This will not allow air to get back in the u-tube. Slowly pull the tubeing out of the u-tube while keeping the u-tube submergered in the chambers. Turn on the pump and it should start to drain. If theres a little air make sure that the water carries it out, if not try again so there is no air in the u-tube.
Once you get the hang of it its not a biggie and don't worry you'll get a mouthful of SW before you get good at it.


Ok, thank you so much I do have a couple more questions. Did you plug off the hole in the overflow so that the water cannot escape when you first start the overflow??? And would it be benificial to start two U-tubes instead of having one??? And last one for this post at least. Is there a huge risk of the U-tube losing suction and flooding my whole basement??? (my Mother hates that)


i put in a float switch so if the overflow loses its prime my return pump will shut off before any water is spilled over the display tank. the float switch cost about 120.00 but worth it.


Thats a very good idea, where did you buy the float switch??? ALso do you have any pictures on how yours is set up???


You can buy it at most online vendors that deal with saltwater equipment. I cant post a link but if you give me your email address i can let you know. I will try and get you a picture. I basically put the float in the return compartment of my sump and adjusted the height of the float to not pump more water up into the display tank.


Active Member
If your OF is set up right it will not lose siphon! Do you have a standpipe in the rear chamber of the OF? The rear chamber should hold enough water so the u-tube is always submerged. I have had mine set up for over a year and never lost siphon.
Can you post a pic of what you have. I don't know if I can get a good pic of mine.


Thanks for the pictures. It helps me alot, It kinda looks hard though. My email address is dustponds10@yahoo.com I again thank you so much for you help and I also look forward to recieving the email. I will let you konw if I have more questions. Pondy


Tim Thanks I have a little stump thing on my OF box and it only stands up about an inch or so from the bottom the U-tube is long enough to still be submerged but Im still kinda worried, should I get some pvc and make it higher????


Real easy to hook up and not complicated at all. The float just suction cups to the glass of the sump and then you plug your return pump into an outlet that comes with the float switch. Real easy not special drilling or mounting of anything. Heres a picture of how the pump and float switch are all connected. HTH


Active Member
Yes you need to add on a stand pipe. Try and get it so the u-tube is covered by a least an inch and make sure the water level in the rear chamber of the OF is still below the tank water level. Remember that a siphon wants to level the water in both places. As long as the water level in the OF is lower then that of the tank water level the siphon will drain the way you want. So its kind of a balancing act.
And when the noise is about to drive you crazy from the water draining do a search on durso standpipe.

Heres a pic I hope you can see what happening.


Hey man if I could not see what was going on in that picture I would have had to be blind. Great pic. and thanks for the info. Im going to do a search on that right now cause I would just as soon not hear the dang water noise. Thanks again.


usinkit that is awsome, not much work to install and works like a charm one couldnt ask for something better. Did you send me an email???


I sent you an email from where I bought mine. They are great and I can sleep at night without worry about having water all over the floor. well worth the investment.


we installed an aqua lifter on our u pipe cost like 15 bucks you drill the u pipe and install the pipe in that one from the u pipe the other goes in the sump under water and it keeps suction going if you get a power outage and lose suction when the power comes back on it starts the siphon again


this sounds like a great Idea also, can you post a diagram or somethng be more discriptive please??? I just want to be able to not worry about a thing when it come to my little investment. Pondy