over stocked


Active Member
No shark can go into a 180. That is WAY too small of an aquarium for a shark no matter what else you put in there!!


Active Member
That would probably work fine, however, you would have to have a pretty empty bottom of your tank, so that the ray has some place to move. Or, you could have a stack of live rock in each corner of the tank, and have the middle of it open for the ray. This set-up probably would be ideal because it gives the eels some rock to hide in, and it gives the ray a good amount of space to move.



Originally posted by lilstrup
a wet dry for a 300g a skimmer for a 200 a uv starolizer for a 250g and a smalkl 100gal hang on filter


Active Member
I would probably go with a blue dot ray (the latin name is dasyatis kuhlii I believe).
If you can get 3 eels to live happily together in two stacks of live rock, go for it!
What type of skimmer do you plan to run? Just because it says it is for a 200 does not mean anything. My skimmer on my 75 says that it can do up to 150 gallons.