Overall Cost for 150Gal SPS/Reef Tank


Active Member
For those of you who have setup big tanks, how much would it run to setup a 150 gallon SPS/Reef tank w/ the right MH's and chiller, skimmers, PH's, pumps, etc... This is just to get the tank setup (no fish and corals inside).
I just want a rough estimate, because next year I plan to take my current 60 gallon and dump it all into a 150 gallon. I can probably re-use some of my 60 gallon equipment, but let's assume they were no good.
And if possible, please quantify roughly how many and what strength pumps, PH's, chiller, lighting, etc.... I'd need for a successful tank.

nm reef

Active Member
Heck of a equipment list kip...thats going to be sweet when its established!
Just going thru my head my 100 has probably run close to 3-4 grand easy. I will probably add a chiller and calcium ractor down the road. My guess would be easily 5 grand and up for a well set-up system ... depends on how high tech you want to go.

debbie g

Kip, funny observation. It reminds me of the debate I have with my niece. She LOVES pocketbooks, Louis Vuitton, Prada, etc. She won't blink at spending $600.00 on one of those suckers and I thought she was nuts, but when she asked how much I pay to maintain and buy for my tanks...I guess...touche! Its all in whats important to you. :yes:


Active Member
WOw, to be honest, most of that stuff you listed I don't even recognize. All I have on my 60 gallon is PH's, chiller, some pumps and PC bulbs. Thats some crazy stuff you mention.
Well that's not that bad of a deal. I was thinking somewhere around $10K for that size tank. I want to setup a tank that is very self controlled. I want things setup right so that I don't have to carry buckets around, lift this, do that. I rather spend a bit more and do it right.
I didn't do that w/ my 60 gallon. My inexperience got me to spend $3000 on a 60 gallon tank, cuz I bought stuff, then realized it's wrong or not enough to do the job, and went bought other stuff...
Thanks for the input guys. Do you mind if I refer to you again when the time comes next year for some advice?


Thanks everyone for making me want to stick with my 16gallon tank for a little while longer


Active Member
I have a 150 gallon SPS reef.
2x 400wt dual PFO HQI ballasts - $600.00
Spiderlight reflectors, mogul sockets, and bulbs -- $320.00
Euro-Reef CS-82 skimmer -- $600.00
LeeMar tank - $1,000.00 (for me, this also included rock and sand)
AquaController II - $600.00
Lab Grade probes - $200.00
Phosban reactors - $60.00
Dual stage calcium reactor with co2 tank - $500.00
2x Sea Swirls - $300.00
Amp Master 3000 - $240.00
Mag Drive 12 - $200.00
Refugium lighting - $70.00
Heaters - $40.00
Plumbing - $100.00
1/2hp chiller (yet to be purchased) - $1000.00
Fans - $20.00
Test kits - $100.00
Total: Around 6,000.00
However, I'm sure I'm leaving some items out. More money was also spent to replace some items which broke. I probably have another 7k retail worth of corals and fish in the tank.


Active Member

Originally posted by EUPHORIA
ok, so of all the stuff listed, what are the non essential things that I don't have to buy?

Thats the ultimate in reef setups. Kip..nice job. If you want to sit back and just enjoy the hobby and your mini-reef world, spend the money and do it right. You don't want to end up later on, chasing your tail around. Research and find out what works for you and what you agree with theory-wise. Somethings may be eliminated, but the general concept is what should be noted. Good luck!


Active Member
Yes I have to agree that this time I rather spend a bit more and do it right. W/ my current setup I spend more time working and cleaning it than enjoying it. My nitrates are always no less than 10, so I have to do frequent water changes, which becomes annoying.
I want to set it up right and enjoy it more.
Thanks for all the info.