

I plan on setting up my first saltwater aquarium once I figure out everything I plan on getting so I know what will be ahead. Now I have made a list of the fish I would like to get, but I have heard some people say that it might be overcrowded. So I am starting a new thread to get peoples opinions of wether or not it will be.
Midas Blenny
Percula Clown (x2)
Orchid Dottyback
Firefish Goby (x2)
Barbershop Shrimpgoby
Blue Reef Chromis
These fish in a 29 gallon tank with plenty of live rock, live sand, coral, inverts, and crustaceans. Overcrowded? I hope not because I would really like to have them all.


i would say definitely overcrowded. i have a 29g as well and here is my stock list
1 tomato clown
1 blackcap basslet
1 cleaner shrimp
1 sand sifting star
5 cerith snails
3 margarita snails
8 narcissus(however u spell it) snails
i plan to add a pygmy angel here in about a month. another thing i noticed is that u had only one blue reef chromis listed. blue chromis are schooling fish and need to be kept in groups of 3 or larger for the best results. also, orchids(along with all dottybacks) can be very agressive, some people have peaceful ones, other do not. it just depends on the fish, i just wanted to warn you. i would try reducing the list to maybe 4 fish. you can try the list you have but this would be a big bioload in a 29g. you would probably struggle keeping all you water parameters in check, as things could go down hill in a hurry. its easier to maintain a less crowded tank. i know when u start up a new tank that you want all these beautiful animals to put in it, trust me ive been there. this is my opinion tho, get some more from other people. good luck!


Thanks, I really want the Blenny and it will be staying regardless, but I guess could part with the Dottyback. Would you all recommend a couple Firefish Gobies or a couple Blue Reef Chromis?


I think firefish are cool so i'd go with them, if you have a secure top of course because they jump if i'm not mistaken. If you have an opeaning then chromis would probaly be better. I think firefish gobies are one of the coolest fish for what reason i don't know. IMO


I read that putting eggcrate over the top of the tank works, is that the best thing or does anyone recommend anything else?


Active Member
I also have a 29 gallon and I would stick to 3 or 4 fish. As far as the egg crate top this may not be sufficiant to keep the firefish inside. Generally that top is not recommended for jumpers since they will sail right through any small opening.
This is my stock list, at MAXIMUM capacity IMO:
false perc. clown
pygmy angel
bi-color blenny
pink spotted shrimp goby
pistol shrimp
2 cleaner shrimp
small clean up crew of various snails and hermits
I should also add that I run a hang on skimmer. With out this I think I would be heavily stressing the bio-load of my tank and headed for trouble. I drop in quite a bit of food on a daily basis to keep all these critters fed. Good luck to you and have fun setting up your tank!!


Thanks everyone, does anyone have recommendations on a specific order the fish I plan to get should be added? Also when are you supposed to add your clean up crew?


Active Member
Dweeble- hermits can IMO go in anytime after your ammonia/nitrite levels drop. Once you get a large algae bloom (if you havm't already) you can add some snails too. A good rule to follow when stocking your tank is to add the least aggressive/territorial fish first, and end with your most aggresive fish. Unfortunatly this is not always possible but I think you could add your clown pair or one or two of your goby picks to start.