The powerheads are separate components. They are not plumbed into a returnline from your return pump(s) in the sump.
Powerheads mount in the tank - normally stuck on the glass - and just suck tankwater in and shoot it back out.
To get the sumpwater back up to the display tank, many people will either run flexible tubing ( 3/4" in your case ) or hard pvc piping.
You run this line up behind the tank, back to the top of the display tank.
From there - you have a ton of choices to actually mount the end of the return line to your tank.
The easiest is to buy a directional return spout. My LFS sells them. I think most wet/dry manufacturers sell them as accessories to their filter systems.
The ones I've seen, and use on my 30 gallon tank, are black plastic. They have a barbed end fitting that the return line tubing slides over, then you use a hose clamp to tighten it down.
It's sort of a U shaped deal - that hangs on the rim of the tank, and has an adjustable flared out housing with a couple small louver things. You can turn it in different directions, and move the louvers to get the desired flow direction. They are pretty cheap - but work fine.
A lot of folks will make a DIY spraybar of some form. PVC piping and either single or multiple outlets.
Very inexpensive, easy to fab up at home, if you don't like it, toss it and make another one. Home Depot or Lowes or any decent home improvement store has most all the parts.
Best way, but most expensive is to go with something like a Sea Swirl or Tunze returnline product. These things rotate and shoot the water back into the tank - providing for excellent random water circulation patterns.
They are relatively expensive compared to other means - but they are awesome.
You powerheads then are mounted in the tank - and do what they do - independent of the sump/returnpump/returnline, spraybar/overflow system.