Overflow box and Mag Pumps???


I have a 90 gal and have an unknown overflow but I am about to upgrade. I was woundering what size overflow and GPH would be best for a hang on box for my 90. Also I have a berlin turbo pump that needs a new impeller, so I bought a Mag 5 Supreme until then. I was going to take it back when I get a bettter overflow and get a new pump but don't know what size,GPH,or what mag to get please help.


I have an eshopps pf1200 overflow that works perfectly with a mag 12 pump. The overflow is brand new if your interested in it. I have run eshopps on everything with no siphon breaks.


Active Member
I have a 600gph ---- overflow (have had 3 from the same seller in fact). Used it on 30 and 100g tanks with no issues. A mag 5 will work fine (used a 480gph viaAqua on mine the 1rst time, then 600gph viaAqua's to date) but a mag 7 would be better. I dont think you need more than a 600gph overflow (though you could use bigger), sump for a 90g cant be but so big and most 90g RR tanks arent rated for more than that.