overflow box help


i have homemade weir overflow box. First question is how reliable are they and 2nd question is how to keep it from breaking syphon. Last question is i had it on the back for a few minutes and it was really loud how to get it to be quite.
Thanks for the help


Active Member
Any pics of your DIY box??? A pic would be helpful in giving some advice.....As far as how reliable they are???? Well that depends on the build quality and the design.....


sorry no pic. But its the overflow box design you see when you look up weir overflow which has the syphon tube made out of acrylic that goes the length of the design with the 2 plates one on inside and one on the drain to keep the syphon. I think the 2 flaws i have right now that i need to fix is cut away some acrylic from the intake box to allow a lower water line, and the second flaw is i have a 1 inch bulk head in there that i need to drop down to eliminate some of the noise.
Thanks for the help