overflow cup on protein skimmer


We just hooked up our protein skimmer yesterday. The cup already filled up with green water is this normal to fill up that quick?


Active Member
Well, they usually don't work quite right at first. They have to be broken in which takes at least a couple days. But that doesn't mean they won't pull out any waste necessarily. You may want to lower the water level in your riser tube if you think it's filling too fast. But if the stuff in the cup is pretty dry foamy then you may have just had a lot to pull out of the tank.
What kind of skimmer is it?


Originally Posted by hagfish
Well, they usually don't work quite right at first. They have to be broken in which takes at least a couple days. But that doesn't mean they won't pull out any waste necessarily. You may want to lower the water level in your riser tube if you think it's filling too fast. But if the stuff in the cup is pretty dry foamy then you may have just had a lot to pull out of the tank.
What kind of skimmer is it?
amiracle hang on wet/dryfilter with built-in protein skimmer. And it was foam coming up the tube,but in the holding cup was green liquid that filled the cup


Active Member
That sounds OK. The foam will turn to water so that makes sense. If it's too much too fast then just lower the water level in the riser tube until it is where you like it. The bubbles can climb pretty high up the tube.


Originally Posted by hagfish
That sounds OK. The foam will turn to water so that makes sense. If it's too much too fast then just lower the water level in the riser tube until it is where you like it. The bubbles can climb pretty high up the tube.
It has a connection on the lower part of the cup to add a hose to it. We are going to run a hose to a milk jug so it won't overflow during the day when we are not home. Sound good?


Originally Posted by acrylic51
Any pics of the water it's collecting?
No pics, but it's a little thicker then water looks like water that has algae in it


Active Member
I thought might be skimming alittle wet when you said it filled up with green water.....Just being that it's new might take a day or 2 for break in before you can really make an initial good adjustment to the skimmer......See if it thinkens up....


Originally Posted by acrylic51
I thought might be skimming alittle wet when you said it filled up with green water.....Just being that it's new might take a day or 2 for break in before you can really make an initial good adjustment to the skimmer......See if it thinkens up....
I have one more question about clams. I called my local seafood store and they don't have cherrystone clams. Can I get little necks or long necks to help with nitrates


You probably need to adjust the water flow. Usually if the cup fills up fast its called wet foam which will waste water. You want the foam to be what is called dry foam which will fill the cup slower and be even more concentrated. Although initially it can pull more waste since you haven't had a skimmer on and they tend to take a few days to breakin really before you can adjust to optimum performance.
As far as any clam helping with nitrates I wouldn't bet on it. The best remedy for lowering nitrates is water changes and watching how much you feed. Either buy your water premixed from a LFS or use filtered (RO/DI) water. Most tap water tends to have nitrates.


Active Member
Originally Posted by adesimone1
I have one more question about clams. I called my local seafood store and they don't have cherrystone clams. Can I get little necks or long necks to help with nitrates
Not a clam expert.....maybe 1Journeyman or SCSInet or Bang might chime in......
I would have to disagree with bsd230 about the clams lowering nitrates.....it appears it does help and has been helping for quite a while, and I'm sure if you check around it's done quite frequently......and I'd also have to disagree on dry skimming collection being more concentrated.......


Originally Posted by NigerBang
I have been told that little neck clams will work not sure though
At 38 cents each you can't go wrong. How do you acclimate a clam from a seafood store?