Overflow drain position, (will this be o.k.)?


New Member
I have a 10 gal. and I am going to have it drilled for a sump. What I want to know is if it would be o.k. if, for the drain hole if I could put it on the bottom of the tank and just use pvc to elevate it above the sand and then just hide it when I aquascape the tank. Would this be o.k. to do.
Thank you to all who respond.


New Member
I don't want to have the pvc run all the way to the waterline. I just want to keep it a little bit above the top of the sandbed. Just thought that I would clearify that. Thanks again.


That wont work, the drain would just empty the tank of water. the drain needs to be at the height you want to be the top of your water level.


is there a reason you don't want to drill the back of the tank instead or is it because you want to be able to hide the intake with aquascaping.


New Member
Just not sure at what height to put the drain hole if I did drill the back of the tank.


If the power goes out on your return pump your main tank will continue to drain until its empty. This is why you need a pipe up higher with anti-siphon holes to break the vaccum incase of power outage.


put the drain hole at whatever height you want to be your water level. After drilling test it. If you are not happy with the level you can always use that one for the return and drill the drain again.